samedi 30 novembre 2013

Veiled sun, vitamin D production and MS

Nichols EK, Khatib IM, Aburto NJ, Sullivan KM, Scanlon KS, Wirth JP, Serdula MK. Vitamin D status and determinants of deficiency among non-pregnant Jordanian women of reproductive age. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2012 Mar 14.

It seems that sun per se do have beneficial effects on the brain of MS patients

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 84:e2 doi:10.1136/jnnp-2013-306573.185
  • Association of British Neurologists (ABN) joint meeting with the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), London, 23–24 October 2013
  • 185


  1. Sreeram Ramagopalan
-Author Affiliations
  1. University of Oxford; Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry


    Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a complex neurological disorder most likely caused by gene–environment interactions. There is a latitudinal gradient of MS prevalence and vitamin D deficiency has been strongly implicated in MS aetiology. Iran is a country of high levels of sunshine which has previously been considered a low–risk MS region. However, Iran has recently observed an 8.3–fold rise in the incidence of MS between 1989–2006.1 Previous studies have indicated a genetic predisposition to MS in the Iranian population but genetic changes are unlikely to account for the substantial rise in MS over the last few decades. Thus, we aimed to develop a novel hypothesis to explain the identification of Iran as a high–risk MS region. We believe that the influence of decreased sunshine exposure and vitamin D levels on MS risk needs to be strongly considered in the context of Iran's history. In 1979 the Iranian Revolution took place and a country previously under great Western influences became an Islamic republic. It became a government requirement for women to wear loose–fitting clothing and the veil in public; it has previously been shown that veiled women have lower vitamin D levels compared to unveiled women. This significant cultural shift would not only potentially explain the observed increase in MS but notably, it would account for the increasing female preponderance of MS in Iran. Given that the average age of MS onset is 30 years old and that MS incidence in Iran just over 30 years following the revolution is the highest so far recorded, an association with the Iranian revolution and reduced subsequent vitamin D levels in particularly pregnant women is likely. Lifestyle changes such as urbanization and use of sunscreen may to some extent have contributed to increased vitamin D deficiency, but these are unlikely to contribute to the particularly high increase in MS observed in Iran as these changes occurred across the developed world and there is no evidence to suggest that they were particularly great in Iran. A similar high incidence of MS has been observed among Iranian immigrants in countries at high latitude such as Sweden where Iranian immigrants have a reported greater prevalence of MS compared to the general population, despite wearing a veil not being a requirement. Instead it is well–known that UVB exposure is lower in countries at high latitude and thus, a similar effect of increased MS incidence due to vitamin D deficiency may be observed among those in Iran wearing the veil and those resident in countries at high latitude, even if they are not wearing the veil. Therefore, vitamin D repletion is a critical public health issue for Iranians both within and outside Iran, and could help prevent an emerging MS epidemic in this population. More generally, this region is highly interesting for MS research and highlights that regions of exception to the latitudinal gradient of MS prevalence are an under–appreciated and very useful resource in evaluating MS aetiology.

    jeudi 28 novembre 2013

    Med diet is not olive oil ad libitum...

    Whole foods and wild foods can inhibit digestive enzymes and decrease the absorption process.

     2013 Oct 12. [Epub ahead of print]

    Inhibition of Key Enzymes Linked to Obesity by Preparations From Mediterranean Dietary Plants: Effects on α-Amylase and Pancreatic Lipase Activities.


    Department of Pharmacy, Health and Nutritional Sciences, University of Calabria, 8736, Rende, CS, Italy.


    One of the most important strategy in the treatment of obesity includes the development of nutrient digestion and absorption inhibitors. Inhibition of digestive enzymes is one of the most widely studied mechanisms used to determine the potential efficacy of natural products as hypolipidemic and hypoglycaemic agents. In vitro studies here reported were performed to evaluate the inhibitory activity of five species (as hydroalcoholic extracts) of edible plants from Calabria region (Italy) on amylase and lipase by monitoring the hydrolysis of p-NPC and the hydrolysis of glycoside bonds in digestible carbohydrate foods. The formulation obtained from Clematis vitalba L. exhibited the strongest inhibitory effect on pancreatic lipase (IC50 = 0.99 mg/ml) and on α-amylase (IC50 = 31.52 μg/ml). In order to explore metabolome production HPTLC analysis of the extracts was performed, revealing the predominance of (±)-catechin, caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid in C. vitalba formulation at concentration of 23.18 ± 3.14, 13.63 ± 0.65 and 18.88 ± 0.76 mg/g, respectively. GC/MS analysis was used to identify fatty acids and terpene composition.

     2010 Apr;10(4):315-31.

    Natural products as alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase inhibitors and their hypoglycaemic potential in the treatment of diabetes: an update.


    Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Nutrition and Health Sciences, University of Calabria, 87036-I Rende (CS), Italy.


    The inhibition of alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase, enzymes involved in the digestion of carbohydrates, can significantly reduce the post-prandial increase of blood glucose and therefore can be an important strategy in the management of blood glucose level in type 2 diabetic and borderline patients. Currently, there is renewed interest in plant-based medicines and functional foods modulating physiological effects in the prevention and cure of diabetes and obesity. The plant kingdom is a wide field to search for natural effective oral hypoglycaemic agents that have slight or no side effects. More than ca. 1200 plant species have been recorded to be used empirically worldwide for their alleged hypoglycaemic activity. Therefore, natural alpha-glucosidase and alpha-amylase inhibitors from plant sources offer an attractive strategy for the control of hyperglycaemia. This article reviews recent data on plant extracts and isolated natural compounds that are being tested for their hypglycaemic activity, highlights ongoing research and considers the future persepctives.

    mardi 26 novembre 2013

    Invasion sucrée

    Danone sucre de plus en plus...

    Confiture? Non sucre aux figues de la marque repère, qui en rajoute la douceur c'est le sucre pas les figues

    50% de sucre, Pline l'Ancien ne doit pas en revenir, mais la nouveauté c'est la pectine amidée... 

    Amora sucre ses vinaigrettes, 5% d'huile d'olive seulement et les gens achètent parce que c'est moins gras. Ce n'est pas une saveur authentique c'est une saveur sucrée.

    Skoura paleodiet course 2013

    Deuxième stage paléo à Skoura (Maroc), il s'agissait d'un paléo 1 avec activité physique modérée quotidienne. Temps au beau fixe nuits fraîches et des aliments réels, vrais, naturels.

    Foin pour l'élevage à l'herbe 
    Vente de foin
    Le poisson sauvage
    Les dattes du marché
    Le marché

    Les sardines
    Les petites pommes
    Les dattes de l'Ermitage

    Skoura l'Ermitage

    La piscine


    lundi 25 novembre 2013

    Wrong opinions about Nutella

    You probably believe that Nutella contains more sat fat than other fats: wrong
    You probably believe that Nutella contains more fat than sugar: wrong
    You probably believe that Nutella contains more palm oil than sucrose: wrong
    The truth is there, I know it's a sweet a too sweet truth:

    • Valeur énergétique : 544 kcal (2273 kJ)
    • Protéines : 6,8 g
    • Lipides : 31 g dont
      • Acides gras saturés : 10,3 g
      • Acides gras mono-insaturés : 17,3 g (trans : 0,1 g)
      • Acides gras poly-insaturés : 3,4 g
    • Glucides : 56,4 g dont
      • Sucres totaux : 55,1 g
    • Fibres alimentaires : 4 g
    • Calcium : 120 mg
    • Magnésium : 70 mg
    • Phosphore : 172 mg
    • Sodium : 30 mg
    • Vitamine E : 6.6 mg
    • Vitamine B12 : 0.3 mg

    Low carb diet high in France!

    What Ancel Keys couldn't find: ALA and trans fat correlations with non fatal MI

    The more trans fats and the less ALA are correlated with a 100%  increase of risk of non fatal MI.
    Odds ratios for combined effect of α-linolenic acid and trans fatty acids in adipose tissue in Costa Rica. Subjects in first tertile of α-linolenic acid and third tertile of trans fatty acids served as reference group. Test for interaction,P<0 .05.="" td="">

    Swiss paradox: not a wine related advantage but a fat one!

    CLA are naturally occurring trans fats in dairy and meat of grass fed ruminants

    Very very impressive! Buy alpine cheeses!
    All is OK with dairy fat from alpine cheeses...
    W3, both ALA and long chain W3 PUFA, ratio of W6/W3, CLA content and above all less palmitic acid!

    Trans fats: are they all equal?

    If you cannot afford grass fed beef eat lamb!

    Another piece to the sat fat debate

    You can eat healthy meals for reasonable cost

    Every one can decline this paper in his country with his cultural habits...
    If you avoid products you will not pay the "value" of processing food industrially, but you will need some time to process it by yourself and don't forget: gently for your health!

    dimanche 24 novembre 2013

    Oui l'addition de sucre est une tendance généralisée dans l'industrie, il suffit de ne pas acheter.

    Et moi, j'aimerais surtout que les industriels de l'agro-alimentaire cessent de mettre du sucre partout. Je suis diabétique et je ne peux même plus manger de crevettes ou condimenter ma nourriture avec de la moutarde, car les producteurs ajoutent du sucre à tout (je précise que je vis en Allemagne, et que TOUT est sucré ici : petits pois, sauce tomate, crevettes, comme je le disais ci-dessus, et parfois même le pain !!!).

    Funny stuff

    jeudi 21 novembre 2013

    When you cannot expect something think to evolution

    Inflammation is not useful in our world where we destroyed the major agents of communicative diseases.

    Eat right before surgery

    High blood level of long w3 PUFA means less brain microinfarcts

    Qu'est ce que le gras?

    Graisses animales ou végétales sont constituées de ces éléments chimiques

    Mangez du gras dans les aliments pas ou peu raffinéà partir d'aliments entiers

    L’oxydation des corps gras


    Lorsqu’ils sont extraits de leur contexte de protection naturelle (cellules oléifères pour les graisses et huiles végétales, adipocytes pour les corps gras animaux), tous les lipides subissent au cours de leur conservation ou de leurs utilisations, des altérations de type autoxydatif. Ces altérations plus ou moins marquées au niveau des composés non volatils formés selon les conditions d’emploi (conservation et utilisation à froid ou à chaud – cuissons, fritures…-), sont toujours nettes lorsque l’aspect sensoriel est pris en considération, en particulier par l’apparition du défaut de rance (Perrin, ITERG, 1993). 
    Il s’en suit une implication directe du phénomène d’oxydation sur la valeur marchande des huiles et des corps gras et donc sur leurs DLUO (Date Limite Optimale d’Utilisation).
    L’autoxydation d’un corps gras est un phénomène purement chimique très complexe mettant en jeu des réactions radicalaires capables de s’auto-entretenir et qui ne nécessitent que la présence de l’oxygène atmosphérique (oxygène activé biradicalaire).


    Les premiers produits formés par attaque de l’oxygène activée sur les doubles liaisons des chaînes d’acides gras, sont des composés peroxydés instables, les hydroperoxydes, dont la structure va dépendre de la nature des acides gras attaqués (acides mono-, di-, tri- ou polyinsaturés).
    Les radicaux alcoxyles qui en dérivent par scission, conduisent à de multiples produits secondaires dont la nature et les proportions dépendent de différents paramètres. Parmi ces produits, apparaissent des molécules volatiles (principalement des aldéhydes, hydrocarbures, alcools, acides…) qui modifient la flaveur d’origine des corps gras. Le groupe de produits volatils le plus important en quantité (quelques centaines de ppb ou g/kg) est celui des aldéhydes (de C5 à C12) d’où la notion de « rancissement aldéhydique » (par opposition au rancissement butyrique des produits laitiers fermentés). Le seuil de perception de ces produits dans les corps gras est très faible.
    Les composés secondaires d’oxydation non volatils sont principalement des triglycérides oxydés monomères comportant au moins un acide gras altéré porteur d’un groupement fonctionnel de type hydroxyle, carbonyle ou époxyde.


    L’oxydation est un phénomène spontané mais dont la cinétique peut être accélérée ou ralentie sous l’effet de différents paramètres :
    • la nature des lipides et en particulier des acides gras,
    • la température,
    • la présence de lumière, en particulier d’UV,
    • la teneur en éléments traces pro-oxydants (métaux),
    • l’état d’hydrolyse des glycérides,
    • l’activité de certaines enzymes initiatrices (lipoxydases et lipoxygénases)
    • la présence de molécules dites « antioxydantes » (ou antioxygènes),
    • la présence d’autres produits à effet ralentisseur (chélateurs de métaux, absorbeurs d’oxygène…) ou accélérateurs (pigments).


    Outre l’altération oxydative, les corps gras alimentaires peuvent subir des dégradations par hydrolyse chimique et/ou enzymatique, par polymérisation (dans le cas des huiles de friture) et plus rarement par isomérisation ou cyclisation.


    Les méthodes analytiques mises en oeuvre pour suivre ces réactions sont généralement physico-chimiques et permettent de doser les produits de dégradations formés. 
    Dans le cas de l’autoxydation, citons principalement l’indice de peroxyde qui est une mesure sensible, utile pour évaluer l’état d’oxydation (en phase d’initiation) d’une huile raffinée (cahier des charges client/fournisseur à réception par exemple), ou pour suivre le comportement d’un corps gras stocké à température peu élevée (phase de propagation), mais elle ne peut rendre compte du passé oxydatif du corps gras.
    Un corps gras fraîchement raffiné a un indice de peroxyde inférieur à 1 milliéquivalent d’O2 par kg, peut atteindre 2 ou 3 meq/kg après conditionnement et transport, 5 ou 10 meq/kg en fin d’un stockage de 12 mois (DLUO des huiles commerciales) dans son emballage d’origine, sans pour autant présenter de défaut inacceptable sur le plan sensoriel. 
    Précisons ici que les hydroperoxydes sont présents à des teneurs de l’ordre de la ppm et qu’ils ne présentent aucun caractère toxique à ce niveau.
    En ce qui concerne les composés secondaires d’oxydation, de nombreux indices chimiques permettent de doser les aldéhydes (indices de paranisidine, test TBA, indice de carbonyle…) mais avec une sensibilité et un domaine d’application parfois réduits. L’analyse des composés volatils par espace de tête dynamique et chromatographie en phase gazeuse permet de rechercher et de doser les traceurs du rancissement (aldéhydes, hydrocarbures) et constitue de ce fait, une méthode intéressante et sensible. 
    Des essais de corrélation entre les méthodes physico-chimiques d’évaluation de l’état d’autoxydation des corps gras et l’analyse sensorielle ont été réalisés dans certains cas : les résultats obtenus ne sont pas réellement satisfaisants et la dégustation reste un outil précieux et indispensable. Pour la mise en évidence et l’évaluation sensorielle du défaut « rance », il est nécessaire de disposer d’un jury entraîné fiable.
    L’analyste dispose donc d’un certain nombre d’outils instrumentaux lui permettant d’évaluer l’état d’oxydation d’un produit ou de suivre son oxydation au cours de sa fabrication ou de son utilisation.

    It is not cholesterol which drives your CVD or D2 risk! Obesity equals smoking: between 2.5 and 3.9 increase!


    Risk of Developing Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease in Metabolically Unhealthy Normal-Weight and Metabolically Healthy Obese Individuals

    1. Steven M. Haffner
    -Author Affiliations
    1. Department of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas 78229
    1. Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to: Carlos Lorenzo, MD, Department of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center, 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78229. E-mail:


    Context: The risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) associated with obesity appears to be influenced by the coexistence of other metabolic abnormalities.
    Objective: We examined the risk of developing CVD and DM in metabolically healthy obese (MHO) and metabolically unhealthy normal weight (MUH-NW) individuals.
    Design and Setting: We analyzed prospective data of the San Antonio Heart Study, a population-based study among Mexican Americans and non-Hispanic whites (median follow-up, 7.4 y).
    Participants: Incident DM and CVD were assessed in 2814 and 3700 participants aged 25 to 64 years, respectively.
    Main Measures: MHO was defined as obesity (body mass index ≥ 30 kg/m2) with no more than one metabolic abnormality, and MUH-NW was defined as body mass index <25 kg="" m="" style="border: 0px; font-family: inherit; font-size: 0.85em; font-style: inherit; line-height: 0; margin: 0px; outline-style: none; padding: 0px; position: relative; text-align: inherit; top: -0.6em; vertical-align: baseline;" sup="">2
     with two or more abnormalities.
    Results: In logistic regression models, BMI was associated with incident DM after controlling for demographics, family history of DM, and fasting glucose (odds ratio × 1 SD, 1.7 [1.5–2.0]). Both MUH-NW and MHO individuals had an increased DM risk (2.5 [1.1–5.6] and 3.9 [2.0–7.4], respectively). Similarly, BMI was related to incident CVD after adjusting for demographics and Framingham risk score (1.3 [1.1–1.6]). Incident CVD was also increased in MUH-NW and MHO individuals (2.9 [1.3–6.4] and 3.9 [1.9–7.8], respectively). Results were consistent across gender and ethnic categories.
    Conclusion: The risk of developing DM and CVD is increased in MUH-NW and MHO individuals. Screening for obesity and other metabolic abnormalities should be routinely performed in clinical practice to institute appropriate preventive measures.

    In 4-6 weeks you can lower your W6/W3 ratio...

    Effect of a Low-fat Fish Oil Diet on Pro-inflammatory Eicosanoids and Cell Cycle Progression Score in Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy

    1. William J. Aronson1,*
    +Author Affiliations
    1. 1Urology, UCLA Department of Urology
    2. 2Center for Human Nutrition, UCLA Center for Human Nutrition
    3. 3Department of Medicine Statistics Core, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine
    4. 4Medicine, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine
    5. 5Path & Lab Med, UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine
    6. 6Ethel Percy Andrus Gerontology Center University of Southern California, University of Southern California, USC School of Gerontology
    1. * Corresponding Author:
      William J. Aronson, Urology, UCLA Department of Urology, 11301 Wilshire Blvd., Attention Urology Clinic (112U), Los Angeles, CA, 90073, United


    We previously reported that a 4-6 week low-fat fish oil (LFFO) diet did not affect serum IGF-1 levels (primary outcome) but resulted in lower omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratios in prostate tissue and lower prostate cancer proliferation (Ki67) as compared to a Western diet (WD). In this post-hoc analysis, the effect of the LFFO intervention on serum pro-inflammatory eicosanoids, LTB4 and 15(S)-HETE, and the cell cycle progression (CCP) score were investigated. Serum fatty acids and eicosanoids were measured by gas chromatography and ELISA. CCP score was determined by RT-PCR. Associations between serum eicosanoids, Ki67, and CCP score were evaluated using partial correlation analyses. BLT1 (LTB4 receptor) expression was determined in prostate cancer cell lines and prostatectomy specimens. Serum omega-6 fatty acids and 15(S)-HETE levels were significantly reduced, and serum omega-3 levels were increased in the LFFO group relative to the WD group, whereas there was no change in LTB4 levels. The CCP score was significantly lower in the LFFO compared to the WD group. The 15(S)-HETE change correlated with tissue Ki67 (R=0.48; p<0 .01="" 15="" a="" and="" anti-proliferative="" are="" blt1="" but="" cancer="" ccp="" cell="" change="" conclusion="" correlated="" decreased="" detected="" determine="" diet="" effects="" further="" human="" in="" ki67.="" levels="" lffo="" lines="" lower="" ltb4="" mediated="" not="" p="" pathways.="" prostate="" r="0.4;" receptor="" relative="" resulted="" score.="" score="" specimens.="" studies="" the="" through="" to="" warranted="" was="" wd.="" whether="" with="">