jeudi 25 octobre 2018

A hot and hysterical french debate, about human made xenobiotics and organic food, is overflowing in US.

It is a mess. So many titles and so few content...

"In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer1 classified 3 pesticides frequently used in agriculture—glyphosate, malathion, and diazinon—as carcinogenic to humans (group 2A) based on evidence from studies of occupational exposure in humans and laboratory studies in animals. Through occupational exposure (primarily in agricultural settings), malathion is associated with prostate cancer, diazinon is associated with lung cancer, and all 3 pesticides are individually linked to non-Hodgkin lymphoma."

Indeed Franck Hu is well aware of the present hot and sometimes hyterical debate in France and in Europe: Are human made xenobiotics as herbicides and pesticides a significant cause of human cancers? And the univocal response of medias and activists in EU is yes, obviously. According to them, IARC classification is the proof despite the paucity of evidence and the fact that other same type classifications which has been revised and removed. In this setting the recent paper of Baudry et al in JAMA is viewed by those who have take side as a stunning confirmation occuring timely.

"Nevertheless, the health consequences of consuming pesticide residues from conventionally grown foods are unknown, as are the effects of choosing organic foods or conventionally grown foods known to have fewer pesticide residues."

In 2014 a large epidemiological study of organic food consumption in in Brits showed no difference in cancer rates between organic and conventional food eaters ( ) except for non hodgkin lymphoma.

"Owing to the scarcity or lack of prospective studies and the lack of mechanistic evidence, it is presently not possible to determine whether organic food plays a causal role in these observations. However, it has also been observed that consumers who prefer organic food have healthier dietary patterns overall, including a higher consumption of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes and a lower consumption of meat [182937]."

Un débat français animé et hystérique sur les xénobiotiques d'origine humaine et les aliments biologiques déborde aux États-Unis.

En effet, Franck Hu est bien conscient du débat brûlant et parfois intempestif en France et en Europe: les xénobiotiques d'origine humaine, en tant qu'herbicides et pesticides, sont-ils une cause importante de cancers chez l'homme? Et la réponse univoque des médias et des activistes de l'UE est oui, évidemment. Selon eux, la classification du CIRC est la preuve malgré la rareté des preuves et le fait que d’autres classifications de types identiques ont été révisées et supprimées. Dans ce contexte, le récent article de Baudry et coll. dans JAMA est considéré, par ceux qui ont pris parti, comme une confirmation stupéfiante qui arrive à point nommé.

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