Vitamine D3
Raisonner en UI pour les apports
Viser 50 ng/ml en concentration sanguine
1 ml = XX gouttes
Donc si il y a 10 000 UI/ml c'est 500 UI/goutte mais la solution est visqueuse et une goutte ne contient que 300 UI
1 goutte de Zyma D3 = 300 UI
Vitamin D3
Reason in IU for inputs (do your maths in IU is easier than in micrograms)
Aim for 50 ng/ml in blood concentration
1 ml = XX drops but due to the viscosity of the solution, 1 drop is 300 UI with the Zyma D3 brand.
So if there are 10 000 IU / ml it is 500 IU / drop
1 drop of Zyma D3 = 300 IU
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