mardi 5 février 2019

War on meat by vegan globalists

"Panel 5: Red meat as a syndemic driver Global meat production has increased 4–5 times from 71 million tonnes annually in 1961 to 318 million tonnes in 2014, and is projected to increase further to 455 million tonnes in 2050.93 This increase reflects growth in demand from both global population increase and an increase in per-capita consumption from 20 kg to 43 kg per person per year from 1961 to 2014, linked to growing incomes and changing dietary preferences.93 This level of production and consumption of red meat is a substantial driver of The Global Syndemic. Although animals are an integral part of many well-functioning agroecological systems and permanent pastures on which animals graze can be important carbon sinks, livestock production is a major contributor to climate change (19% of all greenhouse gasses94). The greenhouse gasses are related to methane emissions from enteric fermentation, nitrous oxide emissions from manure and fertiliser application, and the considerable inputs required to grow cereal and oilseed crops for use as livestock feed in industrial livestock farming.95 Livestock also use approximately 70% of global agricultural land and are a prime driver of deforestation.93,95 Intensive production systems also contribute substantially to localised pollution through effluents and air pollution. The links between excess meat consumption and obesity and related NCDs are also well known. Excess meat consumption can contribute to obesity.96,97 Red meat consumption (particularly processed meat) is associated with increased risk of NCDs including cardiovascular disease,98 type 2 diabetes,99 and some cancers.100 Animal-source foods, including meat, provide a rich source of highly bioavailable micronutrients, especially for young children, and make an important contribution to high quality diets when consumed in moderation.101 In many regions, livestock production is also an important contributor to livelihoods, household income, and national wealth, and in semi-arid and arid areas there are often few other productive land uses. However, production of feed for livestock can divert food away from direct human consumption, and threaten food security and the livelihoods of populations displaced by the expansion of crop land for feed production, which is also an important cause of deforestation."

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steve a dit…

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