dimanche 6 mai 2018

Traffic lights for diet: a system badly parametered

Looking at this picture is sufficient to explain why this system will not improve food behaviour: low-fat foods fueled the obesity epidemic (DOI 10.1038/s41574-018-0002-8)

Reduce the eating behaviour in three colours and in addition to perpetuate past mistakes, it had to be done! Our kids and adolescents derve better. #Smartbehaviour #trafficlightsforoldcars

Let them drink full-fat milk and full-fat cheeses! You probably have seen that fish and seafood are not on the table of regulators... 
It is a bet lost in advance of wanting to guide the behaviour of food with three colours. There are other, smarter ways.

Réduire le comportement alimentaire à trois couleurs et en plus perpétuer les erreurs passées, il fallait le faire! Nos enfants et adolescents méritent mieux. #Smartbehaviour#trafficlightsforoldcars

1 commentaire:

Pupuk Hayati M-BIO a dit…

I really love red light food <3 <3