lundi 13 mai 2019

Red meat, processed meat, measuring colorectal and breast cancer risk

"Our epidemiological findings are supported by mechanistic data. Red and processed meat contain pro‐carcinogenic components, such as heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAA), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) resulting from meat processing or preparation (such as cooking at high‐temperature), nitrites (used as additives) and induces N‐nitroso compounds (NOCs) formation in the digestive tract.40-44 These chemicals may exert a pro‐carcinogenic effect through direct DNA damage and have been associated with mammary tumor development in animal7941 and human81045 studies.134647 Most importantly, red meat contains high levels of heme iron, which may contribute to initiate carcinogenesis via several mechanisms, including the production of genotoxic free radicals, NOCs or through lipid peroxidation.548-50"

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