samedi 27 octobre 2018
vendredi 26 octobre 2018
Supplements that kill: green tea extract
jeudi 25 octobre 2018
A hot and hysterical french debate, about human made xenobiotics and organic food, is overflowing in US.
It is a mess. So many titles and so few content...
"In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer1 classified 3 pesticides frequently used in agriculture—glyphosate, malathion, and diazinon—as carcinogenic to humans (group 2A) based on evidence from studies of occupational exposure in humans and laboratory studies in animals. Through occupational exposure (primarily in agricultural settings), malathion is associated with prostate cancer, diazinon is associated with lung cancer, and all 3 pesticides are individually linked to non-Hodgkin lymphoma."
Indeed Franck Hu is well aware of the present hot and sometimes hyterical debate in France and in Europe: Are human made xenobiotics as herbicides and pesticides a significant cause of human cancers? And the univocal response of medias and activists in EU is yes, obviously. According to them, IARC classification is the proof despite the paucity of evidence and the fact that other same type classifications which has been revised and removed. In this setting the recent paper of Baudry et al in JAMA is viewed by those who have take side as a stunning confirmation occuring timely.
"Nevertheless, the health consequences of consuming pesticide residues from conventionally grown foods are unknown, as are the effects of choosing organic foods or conventionally grown foods known to have fewer pesticide residues."
In 2014 a large epidemiological study of organic food consumption in in Brits showed no difference in cancer rates between organic and conventional food eaters ( ) except for non hodgkin lymphoma.
"Owing to the scarcity or lack of prospective studies and the lack of mechanistic evidence, it is presently not possible to determine whether organic food plays a causal role in these observations. However, it has also been observed that consumers who prefer organic food have healthier dietary patterns overall, including a higher consumption of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes and a lower consumption of meat [18, 29, 37]."
Un débat français animé et hystérique sur les xénobiotiques d'origine humaine et les aliments biologiques déborde aux États-Unis.
En effet, Franck Hu est bien conscient du débat brûlant et parfois intempestif en France et en Europe: les xénobiotiques d'origine humaine, en tant qu'herbicides et pesticides, sont-ils une cause importante de cancers chez l'homme? Et la réponse univoque des médias et des activistes de l'UE est oui, évidemment. Selon eux, la classification du CIRC est la preuve malgré la rareté des preuves et le fait que d’autres classifications de types identiques ont été révisées et supprimées. Dans ce contexte, le récent article de Baudry et coll. dans JAMA est considéré, par ceux qui ont pris parti, comme une confirmation stupéfiante qui arrive à point nommé. article/une-association-entre- aliments-bio-et-baisse-du- risque-pour-deux-cancers/?utm_ source=AM2&utm_medium=email& utm_campaign=Sante manger-bio-reduit-bien-le- risque-de-cancer-23-10-2018- 2265018_40.php?boc=1006407&m_ i= aZV6mbbqph6UjQ85O75ViHMZyQU8yH 5qNPvnRzsDPRcQSp6eVsam9rL9hzqP 5egIziGy48Q planete/article/2018/10/22/l- alimentation-bio-reduit- significativement-les-risques- de-cancer_5372971_3244.html monde/environnement/ pesticides/manger-bio-reduit- il-les-risques-de-cancer- trois-questions-sur-l-etude- de-chercheurs-francais- consacree-a-l-alimentation_ 3000207.html
https://www.sciencesetavenir. fr/sante/cancer/manger-bio- diminuerait-le-risque-de- cancer-de-25_128887 Manger-bio-c-est-diminuer-les- chances-d-avoir-un-cancer_ a2945.html
"In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer1 classified 3 pesticides frequently used in agriculture—glyphosate, malathion, and diazinon—as carcinogenic to humans (group 2A) based on evidence from studies of occupational exposure in humans and laboratory studies in animals. Through occupational exposure (primarily in agricultural settings), malathion is associated with prostate cancer, diazinon is associated with lung cancer, and all 3 pesticides are individually linked to non-Hodgkin lymphoma."
Indeed Franck Hu is well aware of the present hot and sometimes hyterical debate in France and in Europe: Are human made xenobiotics as herbicides and pesticides a significant cause of human cancers? And the univocal response of medias and activists in EU is yes, obviously. According to them, IARC classification is the proof despite the paucity of evidence and the fact that other same type classifications which has been revised and removed. In this setting the recent paper of Baudry et al in JAMA is viewed by those who have take side as a stunning confirmation occuring timely.
"Nevertheless, the health consequences of consuming pesticide residues from conventionally grown foods are unknown, as are the effects of choosing organic foods or conventionally grown foods known to have fewer pesticide residues."
In 2014 a large epidemiological study of organic food consumption in in Brits showed no difference in cancer rates between organic and conventional food eaters ( ) except for non hodgkin lymphoma.
"Owing to the scarcity or lack of prospective studies and the lack of mechanistic evidence, it is presently not possible to determine whether organic food plays a causal role in these observations. However, it has also been observed that consumers who prefer organic food have healthier dietary patterns overall, including a higher consumption of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes and a lower consumption of meat [18, 29, 37]."
Un débat français animé et hystérique sur les xénobiotiques d'origine humaine et les aliments biologiques déborde aux États-Unis.
En effet, Franck Hu est bien conscient du débat brûlant et parfois intempestif en France et en Europe: les xénobiotiques d'origine humaine, en tant qu'herbicides et pesticides, sont-ils une cause importante de cancers chez l'homme? Et la réponse univoque des médias et des activistes de l'UE est oui, évidemment. Selon eux, la classification du CIRC est la preuve malgré la rareté des preuves et le fait que d’autres classifications de types identiques ont été révisées et supprimées. Dans ce contexte, le récent article de Baudry et coll. dans JAMA est considéré, par ceux qui ont pris parti, comme une confirmation stupéfiante qui arrive à point nommé.
lundi 22 octobre 2018
dimanche 21 octobre 2018
Agriculture and glomalin for carbon sequestration in soil
This looks like the whole article:
vendredi 19 octobre 2018
lundi 15 octobre 2018
Veganism and children
Is hair analysis of any value?
Probably not. Especially with the present commercial offer for consumers...
dimanche 14 octobre 2018
Désinformation sur le lait financée par vos impôts européens
This is nuts.
Milk doesn't have a constant carb, protein and fat content, either in quantity or in quality... more milk is presented as a product. A half skimmed milk is the normal milk according to this ad. A true bias... Anti-fat policies are still in the brain of some people despite their complete failure.
1/ Cows produce milk and the characteristics vary according to the race.
Le lait dans tous ses états ou le lait produit, écrémé par cette phobie du gras le plus sain... |
Que viennent faire nos impôts dans cette désinformation? |
This is nuts.
Milk doesn't have a constant carb, protein and fat content, either in quantity or in quality... more milk is presented as a product. A half skimmed milk is the normal milk according to this ad. A true bias... Anti-fat policies are still in the brain of some people despite their complete failure.
1/ Cows produce milk and the characteristics vary according to the race.
Information about Guernsey Milk
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Guernsey milk has several unique properties. 1 - Beta Carotene - As this is not digested and broken down by Guernsey cows it passes into the milk...
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Guernsey milk has several unique properties. 1 - Beta Carotene - As this is not digested and broken down by Guernsey cows it passes into the milk...
jeudi 11 octobre 2018
Is high fat diet deleterious in metastatic patients?
"CD36+ cells respond to dietary lipids The histological analyses of the few lymph node metastases that grew from CD36-depleted cells presented an intriguing pattern of large swollen cells that were filled with lipid droplets containing non-metabolized lipids (Fig. 2c, d and Extended Data Fig. 4g). These structures were not present in the oral lesions generated by OSCC cells depleted of CD36 (Extended Data Fig. 4h). We therefore hypothesized that CD36+ cells might specifically require lipid metabolism to exert their metastatic potential. In fact, CD36+ CD44bright cells isolated from primary oral orthotopic tumours, but not their CD36+ CD44bright counterparts, expressed numerous genes involved in lymphatic metastasis and lipid metabolism, which overlapped with the dye+ signature (Extended Data Fig. 5a–d and Supplementary Table 2a–c). Second, CD36+ CD44bright cells expressed higher levels of three key enzymes involved in fatty acid β-oxidation (ACADVL, ACADM and HADHA; Extended Data Fig. 5e). Third, depletion of ACSL1, which adds an acyl-coenzyme A moiety to fatty acids to activate their oxidation27,28, significantly reduced the lymph node metastatic penetrance of parental OSCC cells and OSCC cells overexpressing CD36, but not primary tumour uptake (Extended Data Fig. 5f–j). Notably, NSG mice fed with a high-fat diet developed more and larger lymph node metastases, in a CD36-dependent manner (Fig. 3a, Extended Data Fig. 6a and Supplementary Table 3). The boost in metastatic potential of OSCCs in high-fat diet-fed mice correlated with an increase in the percentage of CD36+ cells in oral and metastatic lesions, suggesting that the expression of CD36 might be sensitive to the concentration of fatty acids (Extended Data Fig. 6a). Indeed, the percentage of CD36+ cells was also strongly elevated when OSCC cells were co-cultured with OP9-derived adipocytes, but not with non-adipogenic OP9 parental cells or with squamous cell carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (Extended Data Fig. 6b, c). In addition, exposure of cultured OSCC cells to palmitic acid, a dietary fatty acid recognized by CD36 (ref. 29), for 2 days also robustly increased the percentage of CD36+ cells (Extended Data Fig. 6e). Palmitic acid increased the size and frequency of lymph node metastases in a manner dependent on CD36, without affecting primary tumour growth. Notably, palmitic even promoted lung metastasis in 10% of mice, something we did not observe in the more than 100 mice inoculated with control SCC-25 tumour cells (Fig. 3b). Importantly, OSCC cells expressing mutant CD36 (CD36-K164A) with an impaired ability to internalize lipids30 generated primary lesions with the same penetrance as cells harbouring wild-type CD36, but displayed substantially fewer and much smaller metastases (Fig. 3c and Extended Data Fig. 5f–h). Lymph node metastases generated by CD36-K164A tumour cells contained large lipid droplets similar to those formed after endogenous CD36 depletion (Extended Data Fig. 7a). As CD36 can activate fatty acid β-oxidation31,32, we hypothesized that CD36 inhibition leads to accumulation of endogenously synthesized, unmetabolized lipids. This continuous lipid accumulation would ultimately result in metastatic lipotoxicity and cell death. Indeed, caspase-3 immunoreactivity was observed within and surrounding the lipid droplet-rich areas, both in metastases expressing the CD36-K164A mutant and in those depleted of endogenous CD36 (Extended Data Fig. 7b, c)."
doi:10.1038/nature20791 Targeting metastasis-initiating cells through the fatty acid receptor CD36 Gloria Pascual1 , Alexandra Avgustinova1 , Stefania Mejetta2 , Mercè Martín1 , Andrés Castellanos1 , Camille Stephan-Otto Attolini1 , Antoni Berenguer1 , Neus Prats1 , Agustí Toll3, Juan Antonio Hueto4, Coro Bescós4, Luciano Di Croce2,5,6 & Salvador Aznar Benitah1,5
I have read this paper and my analysis is not that DIETARY palmitic acid enhances the metastatic potential of malignant tumours even in mice.
10.1038/nature20791 |
"CD36+ cells respond to dietary lipids The histological analyses of the few lymph node metastases that grew from CD36-depleted cells presented an intriguing pattern of large swollen cells that were filled with lipid droplets containing non-metabolized lipids (Fig. 2c, d and Extended Data Fig. 4g). These structures were not present in the oral lesions generated by OSCC cells depleted of CD36 (Extended Data Fig. 4h). We therefore hypothesized that CD36+ cells might specifically require lipid metabolism to exert their metastatic potential. In fact, CD36+ CD44bright cells isolated from primary oral orthotopic tumours, but not their CD36+ CD44bright counterparts, expressed numerous genes involved in lymphatic metastasis and lipid metabolism, which overlapped with the dye+ signature (Extended Data Fig. 5a–d and Supplementary Table 2a–c). Second, CD36+ CD44bright cells expressed higher levels of three key enzymes involved in fatty acid β-oxidation (ACADVL, ACADM and HADHA; Extended Data Fig. 5e). Third, depletion of ACSL1, which adds an acyl-coenzyme A moiety to fatty acids to activate their oxidation27,28, significantly reduced the lymph node metastatic penetrance of parental OSCC cells and OSCC cells overexpressing CD36, but not primary tumour uptake (Extended Data Fig. 5f–j). Notably, NSG mice fed with a high-fat diet developed more and larger lymph node metastases, in a CD36-dependent manner (Fig. 3a, Extended Data Fig. 6a and Supplementary Table 3). The boost in metastatic potential of OSCCs in high-fat diet-fed mice correlated with an increase in the percentage of CD36+ cells in oral and metastatic lesions, suggesting that the expression of CD36 might be sensitive to the concentration of fatty acids (Extended Data Fig. 6a). Indeed, the percentage of CD36+ cells was also strongly elevated when OSCC cells were co-cultured with OP9-derived adipocytes, but not with non-adipogenic OP9 parental cells or with squamous cell carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (Extended Data Fig. 6b, c). In addition, exposure of cultured OSCC cells to palmitic acid, a dietary fatty acid recognized by CD36 (ref. 29), for 2 days also robustly increased the percentage of CD36+ cells (Extended Data Fig. 6e). Palmitic acid increased the size and frequency of lymph node metastases in a manner dependent on CD36, without affecting primary tumour growth. Notably, palmitic even promoted lung metastasis in 10% of mice, something we did not observe in the more than 100 mice inoculated with control SCC-25 tumour cells (Fig. 3b). Importantly, OSCC cells expressing mutant CD36 (CD36-K164A) with an impaired ability to internalize lipids30 generated primary lesions with the same penetrance as cells harbouring wild-type CD36, but displayed substantially fewer and much smaller metastases (Fig. 3c and Extended Data Fig. 5f–h). Lymph node metastases generated by CD36-K164A tumour cells contained large lipid droplets similar to those formed after endogenous CD36 depletion (Extended Data Fig. 7a). As CD36 can activate fatty acid β-oxidation31,32, we hypothesized that CD36 inhibition leads to accumulation of endogenously synthesized, unmetabolized lipids. This continuous lipid accumulation would ultimately result in metastatic lipotoxicity and cell death. Indeed, caspase-3 immunoreactivity was observed within and surrounding the lipid droplet-rich areas, both in metastases expressing the CD36-K164A mutant and in those depleted of endogenous CD36 (Extended Data Fig. 7b, c)."
doi:10.1038/nature20791 Targeting metastasis-initiating cells through the fatty acid receptor CD36 Gloria Pascual1 , Alexandra Avgustinova1 , Stefania Mejetta2 , Mercè Martín1 , Andrés Castellanos1 , Camille Stephan-Otto Attolini1 , Antoni Berenguer1 , Neus Prats1 , Agustí Toll3, Juan Antonio Hueto4, Coro Bescós4, Luciano Di Croce2,5,6 & Salvador Aznar Benitah1,5
I have read this paper and my analysis is not that DIETARY palmitic acid enhances the metastatic potential of malignant tumours even in mice.
vendredi 5 octobre 2018
jeudi 4 octobre 2018
mardi 2 octobre 2018
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