vendredi 27 avril 2018

Breastfeeding: the left wants to impose a post-factual world

Arguments for this deconstruction are always the same. False "facts", approximations and ideology. In order to evaluate the huge gap between science and the religion of the left, you have to read these papers. Especially the totally irrational argument about vaccines. If you breastfeed your child you will consequently refuse vaccination! And the rhetoric is: because you advocate breastfeeding as natural you will refuse vaccines as unnatural. This kind of rhetoric is a fake justification. The core of the battle is about genres and the ideology which aim is to destruct sexual dimorphism.

Les arguments pour cette déconstruction sont toujours les mêmes. Faux "faits", approximations et idéologies. Afin d'évaluer l'écart énorme entre la science et la religion de gauche, vous devez lire ces documents. Surtout l'argument totalement irrationnel sur les vaccins. Si vous allaitez votre enfant, vous refuserez la vaccination! Et la rhétorique est: parce que vous préconisez l'allaitement naturel, vous refuserez les vaccins comme non naturels. Ce genre de rhétorique est une fausse justification. Le cœur de la bataille est sur les genres et l'idéologie qui vise à détruire le dimorphisme sexuel.

jeudi 26 avril 2018

NaHCO3 as an activator of a vagal anti-inflammatory response in autoimmune diseases

Amazing paper especially about this discovery:

"Taken together, our data indicate a previously unrecognized function of the mesothelium to mediate splenic anti-
inflammatory responses via cholinergic signalling to the splenic
capsule. Such a mechanism may resolve much of the current
controversy regarding how vagal stimulation alters splenic function, suggesting cholinergic signals may be transmitted to the
splenic capsule not by vagal efferent nerves but by the mesothe-
lium. Our findings are consistent with a recent report by Mihara
et al. (45) who found that stimulation of the a-7 nicotinic
acetylcholine receptor on rat intestinal mesothelial cells blunted
the inflammatory response of these cells to LPS. Interestingly,
these investigators also reported that enteric nerves (presumed to
be vagal efferents) adhered to the mesothelial cells of the ileal
serosa, leading the authors to speculate that the anti-inflammatory
effects of the mesothelium in the ileum may be stimulated by
autonomic nerves (45). To our knowledge, our data are the first evidence that mesothelial cells may have a “neuronal-like” func-
tion innervating the splenic capsule. Although our histological
findings provide an explanation for our immunological data, our
finding of neuronal-like function in mesothelial cells is unprece-
dented and raises a number of important questions. Although we are unable to address these questions in the current study, further
studies are warranted, as similar innervation by mesothelial cells
in other organs could represent a previously unrecognized path-
way of biological communication."

Oral NaHCO3 Activates a Splenic Anti-Inflammatory Pathway: Evidence That Cholinergic Signals Are Transmitted via Mesothelial Cells

Sarah C. RayBabak BabanMatthew A. TuckerAlec J. SeatonKyu Chul ChangElinor C. MannonJingping SunBansari PatelKatie WilsonJacqueline B. MusallHiram OcasioDebra IrsikJessica A. FilosaJennifer C. SullivanBrendan MarshallRyan A. Harris and Paul M. O’Connor

lundi 23 avril 2018

New assessment on vitamin D testing

"The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency is high, and may possibly increase in the future. Therefore, it is desirable to include assessment of vitamin D in routine examination in order to monitor its concentrations and to follow up eventual supplementation regimens. Provided that accurate 25(OH)D value can be measured, the desirable range should be extrapolated, in individual patients, by an equation considering the time of the year, sun exposure, ethnicity, BMI, the type of assay used and possible intake of vitamin D, that can predict the 25(OH)D centile curve for an healthy subject. The discrepancy between the predicted value and the measured 25(OH)D concentration, at any time of the year, will be then safely used to determine an accurate diagnosis on the patient vitamin D status. If such equations have been developed for otherwise healthy individuals, additional parameters or completely different equations will be needed to assess individual situations like pregnancy, childhood, or diagnosed illnesses.
Although the situation has substantially improved through the efforts of the VDSP, what is still lacking is a general standardization, or at least a harmonization, of methods that provide comparable and, more importantly, less biased results. Ideally, all measurements should be performed using LC-MS; however, this scenario being impracticable, we encourage clinical laboratories to adopt an assay traceable to the gold SRMP as proposed by the Vitamin D Standardization Programme in order to calibrate their new and, if available, old measurements ()."

Sempos CT, Vesper HW, Phinney KW, Thienpont LM, Coates PM, Vitamin D. Standardization Program (VDSP). Vitamin D status as an international issue: national surveys and the problem of standardization. Scand J Clin Lab Invest Suppl. 2012;243:32–40. [PubMed]

Des conseils nutritionnels qui ne sont basés sur aucune donnée scientifique et des allégations erronées en pagaille... Le régime paléo incompris

Dans la question sur le régime paléo:

"Afin d’augmenter la rentabilité du blé dans l’Après-Guerre, on ajoutait des produits chimiques, les plantes plus réceptives à cet ajout se mélangeant entre elles dans le but d’améliorer la réponse à ces produits et pour diminuer les maladies. En outre, on utilisait les glico-nitrates pour hausser la richesse protéique de la même plante. Ceci n’était que la première erreur, car du point de vue génétique il faut tirer de l’amidon et non pas des protéines des légumineuses.  "

Hum, il n'y a pas de blé dans le régime paléo et le blé n'est pas une légumineuse.

"La différence entre le blé original, à savoir l’épeautre, et le blé d’aujourd’hui réside dans le gluten : le gluten actuel est plus petit et réussit à franchir la barrière intestinale ; le gluten de l’épeautre et du blé à l’ancienne est plus grande. Il y a 100 ans, n’y a avait pas de maladie cœliaque."

Vous êtes sur?
Vous avez tort:

"Coeliac disease may have an ancient history dating back to the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. The first clear description was given by Samuel Gee in 1888. He suggested that dietary treatment might be of benefit. In the early 20th century various diets were tried, with some success, but without clear recognition of the toxic components. The doctoral thesis of Wim Dicke of 1950 established that exclusion of wheat, rye and oats from the diet led to dramatic improvement. The toxicity was shown to be a protein component, referred to as gluten. Dicke's colleagues, Weijers and Van de Kamer, showed that measurement of stool fat reflected the clinical condition. Early studies were in children but stool fat measurements documented that the condition could be recognised in adults. Histological abnormalities of the lining of the small intestine were demonstrated beyond doubt by Paulley in 1954 and techniques of per-oral biopsy described by Royer in 1955 and Shiner in 1956 afforded reliable diagnosis. Concurrence in monozygotic twins suggested a genetic component, confirmed by studies of HLA antigens. Additional, non-genetic factors seem likely. Circulating antibodies suggest an immunological mechanism of damage and provide non-invasive screening tests. Lymphoma, adenocarcinoma and ulceration of the small intestine and a range of immunological disorders are associated. A relationship with dermatitis herpetiformis was suggested by Samman in 1955 and established by Shuster and Marks in 1965 and 1968. The Coeliac Society (now Coeliac UK) was founded in 1968 and similar societies now exist across the world. They provide an extremely valuable service. Present problems include definition of the tolerated levels of gluten, whether oats are toxic for some or all coeliacs and the likelihood that the condition is relatively common and frequently without classical symptoms. Hope for the future is that more convenient methods of treatment will follow better understanding."

So I repeat: 
"1st and 2nd centuries AD" You understand that there was no GMO no pesticides and no fertilizers at this time?
What a pity!

"2 Historical Aspects There is evidence for the use of grains such as wild wheat and barley dating to 23,000 years ago in the upper Paleolithic [ 11, 12]. However, the use of cereals did not become widespread until after the Neolithic revolution of approximately 10,000 years ago. While natural selection may have played a role at this stage, many of the alleles associated with CD risk may have been maintained at high frequency due to their ability to confer other benefi cial traits, such as resistance to bacterial infection [ 13]. Archaeological evidence of probable CD has been identifi ed in 2000-year-old human remains from Italy [ 14]. Interestingly, there is some evidence that einkorn ( Triticum monococcum), the earliest cultivated wheat, may be less toxic to celiac sufferers than more modern varieties [ 15]. CD has been recognized since ancient times. It was fi rst described in the fi rst century BC by the Greek physician Aretaeus of Cappadocia, whose works were translated in the 1800s [ 16]. Aretaeus identifi ed CD as an affl iction of later life, most commonly affecting women. The physician Samuel Gee gave the fi rst modern description of the condition in 1888, building upon Aretaeus’ observations. Graham D. Turner et al. 5 However, he primarily observed the condition in infants, and considered it a disease of childhood. The “classical” picture of CD—occurring in the young, presenting with characteristic abdominal symptoms, diarrhea, and “failure to thrive”—owes itself to Gee’s observations at this time [ 17]. A dietary, specifi cally carbohydrate, component to CD was long suspected. The fi rst treatments for CD pre-date full understanding of the etiology, for example the “banana diet” [ 18]. However, it was not until the 1940s that the physician Wilhelm Dicke identifi ed the ingestion of wheat as the environmental trigger, aided by the observation that reduced morbidity from CD coincided with the shortage of wheat during the Dutch Hongerwinter of 1944 [ 19]. "

Au total dans cet"article" sont ressassés les poncifs erronés sur l'alimentation du sportif.
Ce qu'il faut retenir c'est que le sportif a des besoins très spécifiques qui nécessitent un conseil personnalisé. Pour ce faire il faut des données cliniques et biologiques personnelles.

Mais ce n'est pas terminé:

"On pense que même les jus sains contiennent encore beaucoup de sucre – pas idéal si vous cherchez à perdre du poids. "
Faut il commenter? Le gars qui a écrit cela conseille des stars. C'est bien ce que je pensais.
Il ne sait pas qu'il a des jus de céleri, de persil...

"En outre, lorsque vous allez à des limites extrêmes pour limiter la quantité de calories que vous mangez, votre métabolisme ralentit considérablement, mettant votre corps en mode de famine. Le résultat? Votre corps s’accroche à chaque calorie que vous consommez – ce qui signifie que vous pourriez réellement prendre du poids. Tout comme Jason a prévenu!"Et bien non la restriction calorique simplement modérée environ 15% fait maigrir à tous les coups...

Food intake: we are our brain

Nature review on obesity and the brain

A propos de la restriction calorique

mercredi 18 avril 2018

A moss clears arsenic from water

Warnstorfia fluitans removed up to 82% arsenic from water within an hour

As removal rate was highest at 1 μM As and no nutrients in the water

W. fluitans removes both arsenite and arsenate from water

Most accumulated As species were bounded in moss biomass tissue

Both dead and living moss can reduce As from water

mercredi 11 avril 2018

Peut on faire pire que cet article sur le bio: ce n’est pas sur!

Ce qui est particulièrement gratiné ce n’est pas la pizza bio ou les quiches bio qui sont évoquées dans cet article; ce sont plutôt les inénarrables morceaux choisis des diététiciens. J’avoue que j’ai bien aimé l’orange coupée en deux qui perd sa vitamine C.
La presse est tombée bien bas.

Premier point: il y a un biais énorme car le bio habituellement cultive des fruits et légumes rustiques qui ont plus de gout. Exemple les pommes, les salades etc. Ensuite personnellement je ne supporte pas les cires sur les fruits car quand c'est possible je mange la peau... J'achète donc des pommes bio ou non traitées, des Kumquats aussi... mais je ne supporte pas non plus d'avoir les doigts pleins de cires et d'antifongiques bien sur quand je presse un citron.

Deuxième point les pesticides ou plutôt leur absence ne sont pas le vrai sujet. Le sujet c'est est-ce que le bio est plus dense nutritionnellement? Et la réponse est vous ne le savez pas quand vous achetez mais c'est peu probable.

En conclusion, goutez et achetez ce qui a du gout et un gout qui vous plait.

mardi 10 avril 2018

Physiologie des sucres et des gras

They eat mainly cereals...

Atheroma is more complex and very different at its early stages

Virtual reality in learning 3D anomalies of the heart

There is no such thing as fats: eat foods, real, whole, mostly raw or gently cooked!

Avoid any processed food.

Some exceptions (pictures are coming):


Butter made from raw cream

Sour cream

Unfiltered virgin olive oil

Raw unrefined coconut oil

Raw milk cheeses

Frozen unadulterated, unsalted, uncooked foods

Dried meat.

dimanche 8 avril 2018

Know when your numbers are significant

Some people ask about the replacement of the probability inferior to 5/100 by a more potent rule to reject the null hypothesis in order to strengthen the validity of experimental data interpretation. They favour 0.001 or 0.005 which means that the probability of error in rejecting the null hypothesis will be less than 1/1000 or 5/1000.

One probable unexpected side effect is that this change is a double-edged sword; as for instance for the accepted hypothesis that some pesticides are dangerous for human beings. With the new policy, this hazard will no longer be considered as a risk if we adopt a more strict policy about the null hypothesis rejection.

Certaines personnes s'interrogent sur le remplacement de la probabilité inférieure à 5/100 par une règle plus puissante pour rejeter l'hypothèse nulle afin de renforcer la validité de l'interprétation des données expérimentales. Ils favorisent 0.001 ou 0.005ce qui signifie que la probabilité d'erreur en rejetant l'hypothèse nulle sera inférieure à 1/1000 ou 5/1000.

Un effet secondaire inattendu probable est que ce changement est une épée à double tranchant; comme par exemple pour l'hypothèse acceptée que certains pesticides sont dangereux pour les êtres humains. Avec la nouvelle politique, ce risque ne sera plus considéré comme un risque si nous adoptons une politique plus stricte sur le rejet de l'hypothèse nulle.

Fatty acids beta-oxydation

Metabolism of glycogen in muscles


If you draw some blood for a biological testing do not forget these tests :
  • Blood chemistry & CBC
  • Prolactin
  • Whole Blood Serotonin
  • Lactic Acid
  • Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy 
