dimanche 29 novembre 2020
vendredi 27 novembre 2020
High fat diet and muscular pain
"There seems to be a strong relationship between obesity and pain [4]. Usually, the association between overweight and musculoskeletal pain has been attributed to an increase in the mechanical stress caused by overweight in load bearing joints. However, the literature also shows an association between pain and overweight in joints that do not support load [3,5,6,7,8,9]. For example, associations between overweight and symptomatic osteoarthritis of the hand [5], shoulder and neck pain [6], the number of episodes and intensity of migraine attacks [7,8], even with neuropathic pain [9] have also been described. Thus, the relationship between overweight and musculoskeletal pain appears to be at least, in part, independent of the mechanical overload and probably involves systemic phenomena."
jeudi 26 novembre 2020
Observational studies are misleading and wasting of public money: Vegans and bones
"Vegans watch your bones..."
This unanimity in the media is totally baseless.
1/ this study is observational and shows only associations.
2/ The absolute risk is 4,8/1000 for meat-eaters, more exactly 47.2 (44.9, 49.7) fractures for 1000 persons during 10 years...
3/ Stating some advice or worse writing a prescription on observational studies is BS or biased governmental bla-bla.
4/ The amount of dairy in the questionnaire needs further analysis.
Classification of diet group
At recruitment, participants completed a questionnaire which asked about diet, socio-demographic characteristics, lifestyle, and medical history. A follow-up questionnaire which asked similar questions was sent to participants in 2010. Based on the responses to both questionnaires (if the participant completed the follow-up questionnaire), the participants were categorised into meat eaters, fish eaters (did not eat meat but ate fish), vegetarians (did not eat meat or fish, but ate one or both of dairy or eggs), and vegans (participants who did not eat meat, fish, dairy, and eggs) at both time points. Further details on the questionnaires, classification of diet group including agreement of diet group at baseline and follow-up, and data collection of other baseline characteristics can be found in Additional File 1: Supplementary methods [20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27]."
Same unreliable studies where you sent questionnaires at 10 y interval. The peer review is faulty.
mardi 24 novembre 2020
Quelle dose de vitamine D? Dosing my vitamin D supplementation
Vitamine D3
Raisonner en UI pour les apports
Viser 50 ng/ml en concentration sanguine
1 ml = XX gouttes
Donc si il y a 10 000 UI/ml c'est 500 UI/goutte mais la solution est visqueuse et une goutte ne contient que 300 UI
1 goutte de Zyma D3 = 300 UI
Vitamin D3
Reason in IU for inputs (do your maths in IU is easier than in micrograms)
Aim for 50 ng/ml in blood concentration
1 ml = XX drops but due to the viscosity of the solution, 1 drop is 300 UI with the Zyma D3 brand.
So if there are 10 000 IU / ml it is 500 IU / drop
1 drop of Zyma D3 = 300 IU