vendredi 27 août 2021

Paleo diet: still the best choice for your health.

This is typically a french "article" on paleo. Ultra-short, unreferenced and full of biases. 

Indeed it is BS propaganda for veganism. 

Keep in the way of eating we are fitted to. This blog explains clearly how.

Mainly we are still very adapted to a paleo diet.

It means that we can use slow cooking but with a high ratio of raw foods.

It means that men lived near the sea or great lakes. 

It means that the pescovegetarian regime is a true paleo diet. 

It means that we ate meat after hunting animals that were not easy and that was not on daily basis. 

jeudi 19 août 2021

Vin basque Tannat Lurumea

Un vin aussi noir que les cerises basques du même nom.
Un concentré de fruit assez aromatique. En bouche des tanins assez frais et fluides.
Trop alcoolisé à mon goût.
Boire beaucoup d’eau avant et après…
Pas d’indication des SR.
Un Tannat pur, j’aime les vins mono cépages et en particulier les Merlot et Tannat.

C’est à Jaxu pays basque

mardi 3 août 2021

C15 a very useful Odd Fatty Acid