dimanche 19 décembre 2021

The ultimate proof that knowledge is nothing without evidence of results


There is no way to chose without experimental studies that bring evidence. Only low carb diet and low processed food diet that is quite different than low GI diet or low calorie diet were tested in RCTs.

Surprisingly they are not mentioned in this paper.

samedi 18 décembre 2021

Keto diet in the Holy Land

 Was the Keto diet useful in a battle victory?


Do we really know what makes us fat?

Do we really know what makes us fat?


jeudi 16 décembre 2021

The first step of health: Skip the Nutri Score and embark on NOVA!

Processed foods are associated with a higher risk of all causes of mortality and CV mortality. Association studies are of poor value about the causal relationship.


  • Group 1 — Unprocessed or minimally processed foods. These are either unprocessed foods or foods that have undergone minimal processing, such as cooking or pasteurization.
  • Group 2 — Processed culinary ingredients. These derive from nature or group 1 foods. They include olive oil, salt, maple syrup, and other items which people may use to prepare group 1 foods.
  • Group 3 — Processed foods. These are foods created using items from groups 1 and 2, such as bread and cheese.
  • Group 4 — Ultra-processed food and drink products. Manufacturers have formulated these food products to be tasty, cheap to buy, and easy to prepare. They include few to no products from group 1 and often contain fats, salt, preservatives, stabilizers, food coloring, artificial flavoring, and refined grains.


lundi 13 décembre 2021

Almonds: 50% of fat, 21g of carbs and 21 g of proteins

Almonds: nutritional facts

Some labels are completely wrong:

Raw almonds are around 21g/100g of carbs and 21 g of proteins.

On the left the label is wrong. Like for spinach and iron! Probably a typewrite error. There are around 21g of carbs for 100 g of almonds.

It is a pity to have some discussions like this one, just simple math gives us the solution:



almond flour hydrated with water
raw cocoa
one egg
one full teaspoon of coconut oil
frozen of fresh berries
pine nuts 
half spoon of sodium bicarbonate

Cook the mix very gently around 30' at 1/10, by baking in small food moulds or in a pan.

This is a great recipe for no grain almond cake meals after workouts in winter


lundi 6 décembre 2021

Carcassonne: Limoux, la blanquette bientôt 500 ans! À 25 kms

La Blanquette de Limoux is undoubtedly the oldest sparkling wine in the world. We know that in 1531 the monks of St. Hilaire produced Blanquette de Limoux.
It is soon that we will fest the half millenary of this sparkling wine.


This domain is nearer to Carcassonne at Saint Hilaire (17 km). It is precisely there that monks in 1531 invented the sparkling wine, before Dom Pérignon. In 1670 Dom Pérignon, a monk from the Benedictine Abbey of Hautvillers in Champagne tried his hand at blending several grape musts, which improved the quality of the wine and made certain defects disappear.
A few years later, he introduced the use of the cork stopper held in the bottle by a hemp string impregnated with oil, which allows the wine to keep its freshness and its foam.

25 km et vous allez entrer dans le domain du plus ancient vin mousseux du monde! 25 km and you will enter the domain of the oldest sparkling wine in the world!

Carcassonne: le Corbières tout près




Les Celliers D'Orfée

2020 - Or
Région viticoleLanguedoc-Roussillon
Cuve / LotC4
Informations du producteur

Voir les informations du point de vente

Téléphone04 68 27 09 76
Adresse53 avenue des Corbières, 11200 Ornaisons
Site webwww.celliersdorfee.com
Département/RégionAude / Occitanie
SCV Les Celliers d'Orfée

Où loger?

Carcassonne: le Minervois à votre portée





Château Villerambert

Où loger?

One of the most pricey Minervois but also recognised as complex and tasty:


Côteaux Champenois


Ce CC de Moët est une merveille

Do you know what is TA and RS in wines?


RS defines also the keto-wines: 0 residual sugars.