lundi 13 décembre 2021

Almonds: 50% of fat, 21g of carbs and 21 g of proteins

Almonds: nutritional facts

Some labels are completely wrong:

Raw almonds are around 21g/100g of carbs and 21 g of proteins.

On the left the label is wrong. Like for spinach and iron! Probably a typewrite error. There are around 21g of carbs for 100 g of almonds.

It is a pity to have some discussions like this one, just simple math gives us the solution:


almond flour hydrated with water
raw cocoa
one egg
one full teaspoon of coconut oil
frozen of fresh berries
pine nuts 
half spoon of sodium bicarbonate

Cook the mix very gently around 30' at 1/10, by baking in small food moulds or in a pan.

This is a great recipe for no grain almond cake meals after workouts in winter


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