vendredi 1 mai 2009

Grippe A(H1N1), la grippe porcine ou mexicaine: le régime de prévention. Swine flu: the prevention diet.

The swine flu is a severe flu caused by a virus which is a human virus (H1N1 and not a H5N1 which is avian). As a matter of fact it is too early to forecast the future of this flu pendemia. Probably because the virus contained some DNA strips of porcine origin the infection is severe as our immune system is badly prepared. On another hand it is obvious that this virus initiated in young patients a tremendous immune reaction which could be by itself deleterious to the lungs. Among the deadly cases a high proportion of patients presented Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. In these cases a very unbalanced immune response of the host to the virus contributes to damage the lungs.
Presently the A(H1N1) flu is a late flu in the year calendar and the causal virus presents some new antigens to our immune system as it muted in pigs. This flu is probably amplified by the large factory farming of pigs which contributed to disseminate a huge amount of viruses. The very bad immune status of pigs in these factories fed with only corn and soy flours, without any outdoor exposition and severe aggressivness due to promiscuity provoked the very fast growth of the viruses. Other hypotheses are unlikely even the leakage from a military lab which works on viruses as warfare.

I will give some other news about the A (H1N1) :

This flu is linked to a virus that has "exploded" in the pig. It is clear that in evolutionary terms (and yes this is a practical application of microbial Darwinism) genetic pressure and the probability of selection of mutants is higher in breeding pigs in 5000 and force-fed batteries in than farming them in freedom!
The virus attaches to human cells and pig ones because there is a common receptor.
There are as many deaths at this time as a pandemic influenza virus, but the classic flu in November is less often the headlines.
I maintain that the nutritional care and lifestyle should be optimized for all those who do not believe the nonsense of pharmaceutical medicine and state media :
-no vaccine for several months ...
-Tamiflu lot of side effects for uncertain therapeutic effects. Remain vigilant flu should only lead to symptomatic treatment and especially not at hospital. However the first serious signs or secondary worsening should lead to a medical assessment, with microbiology, immune status, pulmonary function etc. Indeed several deaths are linked to bacterial infections of the lungs.
I see no argument for a prophylactic treatment by Tamiflu of influenza symptoms.

My advices:
don't smoke either tobacco or other leaves
open the windows of your home and use essential oils like
eucalyptus globulus
keep exercising in fresh air and in sunny days (if you live in a very cloudy country or work mainly indoors check your vitamin D status)
increase your immune system with fermented live products like Kéfir
increase the amount of raw veggies (juicing) and decrease alcohol which desintegrates the immune system
use turmeric fresh or as a dessicated powder
increase drastically W3 fatty acids from fatty fishes (wild)
increase coconut butter or fresh coconut as short chain saturated fatty acids showed a protective effect against viruses (they are also present in the fat portion of goat milk and dairy products of goat milk which you will choose raw).
Steer clear of hospitals if you have flu...

Je vais donner quelques nouvelles au sujet du A(H1N1)
C'est une grippe un peu tardive.
Cette grippe est en rapport avec un virus qui a "explosé" dans les élevages porcins. Il est évident qu'en terme évolutionniste (et oui voilà une application pratique du darwinisme microbien) la pression et la probabilité de sélection de mutants est plus forte dans des élevages de 5000 porcs en batterie immunodéprimés et gavés aux Oméga 6 du maïs que dans des élevages en liberté!
Ce virus se fixe sur les cellules humaines et porcines car il y a des récepteurs communs.
Il y a autant de morts à l'heure actuelle qu'avec une pandémie grippale classique mais le virus grippal de novembre est moins souvent à la une des journaux.
Je maintiens que les précautions nutritionnelles et d'hygiène de vie doivent être optimisées pour toutes celles et ceux qui ne croient pas les billevesées de la médecine d'état et des médias désinformées:
-pas de vaccin avant plusieurs mois...
-Tamiflu: beaucoup d'effets secondaires pour des effets thérapeutiques incertains, rester vigilant une grippe ne doit conduire qu'à des traitements symptomatiques et surtout pas une hospitalisation. En revanche des signes graves d'emblée ou bien d'aggravation secondaire doivent conduire à une évaluation médicale de bon niveau, avec microbiologie, bilan immunitaire, pneumologique etc.
Je ne vois pas d'argument pour un traitement prophylactique ou systématique en cas de symptomes grippaux.

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