dimanche 22 septembre 2019

Scenario of the glyphosate gate: this scenario was used for other "factors" in human nutrition

Le petit manuel du lobbyiste vert en 12 leçons
Trouvez une association ou une corrélation entre un cancer et un facteur, de préférence une substance chimique, nommée cause. 
Recrutez un épidémiologiste ou un statisticien en colère. 
Revendiquez la crédibilité institutionnelle (par exemple le CIRC ou l’OMS). 
Présentez ce cancer comme potentiellement incontrôlable. 
Engagez des influenceurs et des célébrités. 
Payer une ONG pour engager des campagnes contre l'entreprise ciblée. 
Faire pression sur les régulateurs pour imposer des restrictions ou des interdictions. 
Identifiez une juridiction avec un "juge qui aime les pendaisons". 
Aller à la pêche de victimes de bonne qualité. 
Faites marcher les victimes devant les caméras. 
Apporter des preuves à un public enragé. 
Emmenez tranquillement l'argent à la banque.

The HTDI booklet of the green-red-black terrorists 
Find an association or a correlation between a Cancer and a factor preferably a chemical, which is named cause. 
Recruit an epidemiologist or an angry statistician. 
Claim institutional credibility (for instance IARC or WHO). 
Present this cancer as potentially out of control. 
Engage influencers and celebrities. 
Pay NGO to engage campaigns against the targeted company. 
Lobby regulators to impose restrictions or bans. 
Identify a jurisdiction with a "hanging judge". 
Trawl for good quality victims. 
March victims in front of the cameras. 
Take evidence to an enraged public. 
Quietly take the money to the bank.

This series of articles by David Zaruk is very informative and revealing.  
Zaruk* makes a strong case that IARC is a corrupt organization and a pawn U.S. tort lawyers.  

The “Glyphosate Gameplan” is a must read.

The Corruption of IARC 1/4: IARC Monographs Produced for US Tort Law Firms

The Corruption of IARC 2/4: Hiding Conflicts of Interest

The Corruption of IARC 3/4: The Glyphosate Gameplan

The Corruption of IARC 4/4: IARC’s Ruthless Mercenaries

The Corruption of IARC (Summary): IARC’s Dirty 30

*David Zaruk is the Risk-Monger. He has been an EU risk and science communications specialist since 2000, active in EU policy events from REACH and SCALE to the Pesticides Directive, from Science in Society questions to the use of the Precautionary Principle. He was part of the team that set up GreenFacts to encourage a wider use of evidence-based decision-making in the EU on environmental health matters.  David is a professor at Odisee University College where he lectures on Communications, Marketing, EU Lobbying and PR. He also provides training courses and is a regular keynote speaker. In the past, he has been employed by Solvay, Cefic and Burson-Marsteller, retiring from “active work” in 2006.

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