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Why it is mandatory to check every thing about a "scientific" paper...
This address does not work, nor the others for RM Fleming former cardiologist in Omaha Nebraska USA.
I would have liked to send him some questions about this paper:
The effect of high-protein diets on coronary blood flow.
- 1The Fleming Heart and Health Institute and the Camelot Foundation, Omaha, Nebraska 68114, USA.
Recent research has demonstrated that successful simultaneous treatment of multiple risk factors including cholesterol, triglycerides, homocysteine, lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)], fibrinogen, antioxidants, endothelial dysfunction, inflammation, infection, and dietary factors can lead to the regression of coronary artery disease and the recovery of viable myocardium. However, preliminary work revealed that a number of individuals enrolled in the original study went on popular high-protein diets in an effort to lose weight. Despite increasing numbers of individuals following high-protein diets, little or no information is currently available regarding the effect of these diets on coronary artery disease and coronary blood flow. Twenty-six people were studied for 1 year by using myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI), echocardiography (ECHO), and serial blood work to evaluate the extent of changes in regional coronary blood flow, regional wall motion abnormalities, and several independent variables known to be important in the development and progression of coronary artery disease. Treatment was based on homocysteine, Lp (a), C-reactive protein (C-RP), triglycerides, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and fibrinogen levels. Each variable was independently treated as previously reported. MPI and ECHO were performed at the beginning and end of the study for each individual. The 16 people (treatment group/TG) studied modified their dietary intake as instructed. Ten additional individuals elected a different dietary regimen consisting of a "high-protein" (high protein group/HPG) diet, which they believed would "improve" their overall health. Patients in the TG demonstrated a reduction in each of the independent variables studied with regression in both the extent and severity of coronary artery disease (CAD) as quantitatively measured by MPI. Recovery of viable myocardium was seen in 43.75% of myocardial segments in these patients, documented with both MPI and ECHO evaluations. Individuals in the HPG showed worsening of their independent variables. Most notably, fibrinogen, Lp (a), and C-RP increased by an average of 14%, 106%, and 61% respectively. Progression of the extent and severity of CAD was documented in each of the vascular territories with an overall cumulative progression of 39.7%. The differences between progression and extension of disease in the HPG and the regression of disease in the TG were statistically (p<0 .001="" a="" able="" addition="" and="" artery="" as="" both="" but="" cad.="" cai="" coagulation="" coronary="" deposition="" diet="" dietary="" diets="" disease="" each="" extent="" factors="" following="" for="" function="" guidelines.="" high-protein="" however="" improve="" in="" increases="" independent="" individuals="" inflammatory="" lipid="" may="" medical="" motion="" myocardial="" of="" pathways.="" patients="" precipitate="" prescribed="" progression="" receiving="" recommended="" regress="" results="" risk="" same="" severity="" showed="" significant.="" span="" suggest="" that="" the="" their="" these="" through="" to="" treatment="" variables="" wall="" well="" were="" while="" worsening="" would="">0>
Especially about the type of protein and the type of fats in the study. I was surprised by the Lp(a) burst as we know tha Lp(a) is genetically regulated and could increase only with a high carb diet...
I was surprised twice to discover the fraud...
Should Sage publishing investigate the data of this paper and finally retract it?
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