lundi 28 décembre 2020

Iron: you need animal hemoglobin in meat, blood, organs.

figatellu lentilles - Recherche Google
figatellu lentilles - Recherche Google
figatellu lentilles - Recherche Google
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  • Non pas les lentilles.
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  • Je veux bien te croire mais sur le net ils disent que si?
    L’image contient peut-être : nourriture, texte qui dit ’15:11 AA 4G lentilles riches en fer S lentilles riches en fer TOUS SHOPPING X IMAGES ACTUALITÉS La lentille est bien entendu une excellente source de fer puisqu elle en contient plus de 3 mg pour 100 g. A titre de comparaison, la viande hachée en contient environ 2,5 mg pour 100 g. Un score honorable lorsque l'on sait que les besoins quotidiens avoisinent 10 mg pour un homme et 16 20 mg pour les femmes. 25 oct. 2017 aconerere/e/ee.e... La lentille, super source de fer consommer de préférence A propos des extraits optimisés Commentaires Autres questions posées’
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    • 23 h
  • Pas de pb ils (kicé?) n'ont rien compris à l'absorption et ne parle que de contenu. Si vous mangez du fer pur rien n'est absorbé...
    Vous n'avez pas entendu parler des suppléments en fer et B12 (et pas que) chez les vegans qui se bourrent de lentilles?

mardi 8 décembre 2020

Move smoothly



The French chemist Louis Pasteur helped us take a huge step forward from these lines of thought when, in the 1860s, he definitively proved the existence of germs as the cause of disease.

The terrain

In a speech to a group of students and physicians, Bernard declared, “The terrain is everything; the germ is nothing.” He then lifted a glass of water, contaminated with deadly cholera bacteria, and drank it. He didn’t get sick, proving that his “terrain” was as healthy as he claimed it was. He made his point — germs don’t cause disease. Establishing a foundation of health and vitality, free of toxins, and fostering a strong, balanced immune system, he argued, was more important than killing pathogens.

jeudi 3 décembre 2020

How to explain T2D to patients: Sugar in and Sugar out

Sugar in and Sugar out, all forms of glucose or simple sugars  enter the digestive tract and cannot be removed but only used, urinated, transformed in fat, pushed in muscles

dimanche 29 novembre 2020

Persimmon, vitamin C and A

vendredi 27 novembre 2020

High fat diet and muscular pain

"There seems to be a strong relationship between obesity and pain [4]. Usually, the association between overweight and musculoskeletal pain has been attributed to an increase in the mechanical stress caused by overweight in load bearing joints. However, the literature also shows an association between pain and overweight in joints that do not support load [3,5,6,7,8,9]. For example, associations between overweight and symptomatic osteoarthritis of the hand [5], shoulder and neck pain [6], the number of episodes and intensity of migraine attacks [7,8], even with neuropathic pain [9] have also been described. Thus, the relationship between overweight and musculoskeletal pain appears to be at least, in part, independent of the mechanical overload and probably involves systemic phenomena."

jeudi 26 novembre 2020

Observational studies are misleading and wasting of public money: Vegans and bones 

"Vegans watch your bones..."

This unanimity in the media is totally baseless.
1/ this study is observational and shows only associations.
2/ The absolute risk is 4,8/1000 for meat-eaters, more exactly 47.2 (44.9, 49.7) fractures for 1000 persons during 10 years...
3/ Stating some advice or worse writing a prescription on observational studies is BS or biased governmental bla-bla.
4/ The amount of dairy in the questionnaire needs further analysis.

Classification of diet group

At recruitment, participants completed a questionnaire which asked about diet, socio-demographic characteristics, lifestyle, and medical history. A follow-up questionnaire which asked similar questions was sent to participants in 2010. Based on the responses to both questionnaires (if the participant completed the follow-up questionnaire), the participants were categorised into meat eaters, fish eaters (did not eat meat but ate fish), vegetarians (did not eat meat or fish, but ate one or both of dairy or eggs), and vegans (participants who did not eat meat, fish, dairy, and eggs) at both time points. Further details on the questionnaires, classification of diet group including agreement of diet group at baseline and follow-up, and data collection of other baseline characteristics can be found in Additional File 1: Supplementary methods [20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27]."

Same unreliable studies where you sent questionnaires at 10 y interval. The peer review is faulty.

mardi 24 novembre 2020

Quelle dose de vitamine D? Dosing my vitamin D supplementation

Vitamine D3

Raisonner en UI pour les apports

Viser 50 ng/ml en concentration sanguine


1 ml = XX gouttes

Donc si il y a 10 000 UI/ml c'est 500 UI/goutte mais la solution est visqueuse et une goutte ne contient que 300 UI

1 goutte de Zyma D3 = 300 UI  


Vitamin D3

Reason in IU for inputs (do your maths in IU is easier than in micrograms)

Aim for 50 ng/ml in blood concentration


1 ml = XX drops but due to the viscosity of the solution, 1 drop is 300 UI with the Zyma D3 brand.

So if there are 10 000 IU / ml it is 500 IU / drop

1 drop of Zyma D3 = 300 IU

lundi 12 octobre 2020


Oysters contain particularly high amounts, with 6 medium oysters providing 32 mg or 291% of the DV.

Vitamine B3 ou PP: sources alimentaires

La vitamine B3 est au centre de nombreux systèmes enzymatiques et singulièrement celles impliquées dans la production d'énergie.

Sources alimentaires:

Aliments riches en vitamine B3, pour 100 g*Teneur en vitamine B3
Levure alimentaire25 mg
Foie de veau cuit13,7 mg
Thon en boite appertisé, égoutté12,6 mg
Rognons de porc6,1 mg
Maquereau fumé8,42 mg
Poulet6,35 mg
Champignons crus3,61 mg
Cacahuètes grillées et salées13,6 mg
Poire0,219 mg
Muesli aux fruits ou fruits secs enrichi en vitamines et minéraux13,6 mg
Pain complet2,5 mg
Lentilles cuites0,664 mg
Riz blanc cuit0,4 mg
Pomme0,164 mg
Pommes de terre cuites à l’eau1,38 mg
Artichaut cuit1 mg
Epinards cuits0,49 mg
Lait écrémé pasteurisé0,09 mg
Œufs à la coque0,064 mg

samedi 10 octobre 2020

Du cochon gras: protéine goûteuse et beurre d’animal dans le pays de Sault

Are Covid-19 prone individuals NAD deficient?

Check your NAD and supplement if necessary especially in this pandemic.

mercredi 7 octobre 2020

How to prescribe a vitamin D3 supplement dose when a patient comes back with his/her serum level checking (calculator)

If the patient is deficient in vitamin D.
First give a shot to the patient depending on the weight, age and level of deficiency. From 80k to 200k UI per os of vitamin D3. 
Second, calculate the delay before prescribing the daily dose with this paper (
Third, prescribe the daily dose according to this calculator and check the serum level in 6 months or earlier if the initial level is very low (<10 nanograms/ml).

jeudi 17 septembre 2020

Taïeb on GMO, did he overemphasized the black swan ?

 The GMO plot thickens, in a funny way. I thought that the GMO "experts" are making errors in logic and risk but I realize they do not understand their own claims in their research and contradict them.  Many are critical on our focus on "absence of evidence" as "nonscientific" yet their own work is based on this approach (that is, put the weight on the side of absence of evidence)... I repeat, in their own works. Their papers need to abide by a certain statistical procedure yet most don't know what it is about.  Looks like they hire some staff person to process data or use some opaque (to them) computerized procedure . 


For standard statistical theory doesn't allow "acceptance", it only allows "failure to reject". Even when someone in prose says "accept that" he mathematically means "failed to reject at some significance level...", i.e., "BARRING A TAIL EVENT".  Similarly, when someone is indicted, he is treated as innocent unless proven otherwise. This principle is adopted by scientific journals (remember that statisticians are the "evidence" police). This is a big thing and it is ironic. 


The biologists after us don't appear to be aware of the central fact that evidence = "barring a tail event" and argue they have "evidence there can't be a tail event". The fact that statistics is hard for scientists AND they need to use it (as part of their own canon) means they rely on computers or some statistician who happens to be passing by... We mentioned that >50% of published neurobiology papers in "prestigious" journals making comparisons make an elementary (but severe) statistical mistake. But it looks like things are a lot, a lot worse.


P.S. As I show in SILENT RISK, acceptance can be done but it needs to be nonprobabilistic s.a. "there exists at least one black swan as I have seen one". As such it is never part of hypothesis testing.

samedi 25 juillet 2020

Iodine and seaweeds

Iodine is a metalloid, belonging to the group of halogens with Chloride, Fluor... It is considered as a micro-nutrient for humans.

Iodine is a 
component of seaweeds. 

Iodine can help people with iodine deficiency but could be deleterious in excess.

"This is the reason why in 2002, EFSA's Scientific Committee on Food (SCF) suggested a tolerable upper intake level (UL) for adults of 600 μg iodine/day and adjusted this for the remaining age groups based on differences on body surface area (body weight
0.75) (European Commission, 2002). "

Table 1

Average (±SD) and range levels (μg/g fdw) of iodine, total arsenic, mercury, lead and cadmium
No. samplesIodineTotal arsenicaMercuryLeadCadmium
Average (± SD)Range (min–max)Average (± SD)Range (min–max)Average (± SD)Range (min–max)Average (± SD)Range (min–max)Average (± SD)Range (min–max)
Phaeophyta (brown algae)
Saccharina latissima162,302.5 (1,098.18)333.0–4,782.238.324 (8.713)22.504–54.1170.016 (0.005)0.007–0.0230.257 (0.222)0.072–0.7080.682 (0.216)0.231–0.966
Fucus vesiculosus27274.9 (75.87)137.8–451.228.379 (19.690)10.358–116.6770.012 (0.007)0.003–0.0420.897 (1.730)0.189–9.6010.780 (0.372)0.299–1.969
Fucus spiralis1209.528.9400.0190.9560.464
Fucus evanescens1394.1614.0840.0080.5060.520
Fucus serratus14366.46 (197.92)105.2–961.430.269 (9.579)21.457–56.2770.009 (0.003)0.005–0.0150.465 (0.177)0.236–0.8651.044 (0.339)0.628–1.561
Chlorophyta (green algae)
Ulva lactuca218.97 (2.52)17.2–20.83.399 (0.293)3.192–3.6060.007 (0.002)0.005–0.0080.078 (0.019)0.064–0.0920.038 (0.030)0.0168–0.059
Cladophora sp.1140.277.0690.0071.4470.782
SD: standard deviation.
aData on inorganic arsenic is in preparation.

Table 2

Estimated average and 95th percentile exposure to iodine (μg/day), mercury, lead and cadmium (μg/kg bw per day) due to the consumption of a single serving size of 5 g fdw of seaweed, considering each species individually and altogether. For species with only one representative sample, the total content was considered for exposure calculation
Iodine (μg/day)Mercury (μg/kg bw per day)Lead (μg/kg bw per day)Cadmium (μg/kg bw per day)
Average95th percentileAverage95th percentileAverage95th percentileAverage95th percentile
Species‐specific exposure
Fucus vesiculosus1,374.6274.90.001000.00150.07470.144240.06500.0928
Fucus serratus1,832.22,523.20.000990.00100.03870.059980.08700.1217
Fucus spiralis1,047.60.001610.07960.0387
Fucus evanescens1,970.80.000690.04210.0433
Saccharina latissima11,512.318,677.20.001350.00180.02140.053800.05680.0772
Ulva lactuca94.986.00.000550.00040.00650.005360.00310.0014
Cladophora sp.701.30.000620.12050.0652
Population of samples
bw: body weight.

"On the other hand, intake of iodine due to a single serving of seaweed might easily exceed the UL for iodine (600 μg/day for adults and 200 μg/day for children), as observed for all of the species of brown algae and particularly for Saccharina latissima (average > 11,000 μg/day and 95th percentile > 18,000 μg/day). In general, consumption of brown seaweeds rich in iodine, namely Saccharina latissima, once a week would not represent a problem for the general healthy population. However, when considering at high risk subgroups: pregnant women (due to the importance of thyroid hormones in fetal development), children and individuals with thyroid dysfunction, a more careful evaluation regarding the species, amount and frequency of seaweed consumed should be done. Species with lower iodine content should be selected and iodine‐rich species should be avoided due to lack of knowledge on the long‐term exposure effects in fetus and children."

"3.3.3. Iodine

A 7700 inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) from Agilent Technologies, equipped with nickel sampler and skimmer cones and a collision/reaction cell, was used for iodine determination. Rh was used as the internal standard. TMAH extracts were conveniently diluted before ICP-MS measurement and the dilution was varied from 1:5 to 1:20. Isotope of 127I was analyzed, with 3.0 mL/min of He as the reaction gas to avoid interferences on this mass. The limit of detection (LOD) and the limit of quantification (LOQ) of the ICP-MS measurements were 0.5 and 1.3 μg/L, respectively, for I. The accuracy of our method was validated by Seronorm TM trace elements Blood L2 standard reference material. The CRM determination value for I was 86.6 ± 5.8 ng/g, while the reference value on the certificate was 107 ± 22 ng/g."