Discordance entre notre génomique et l'alimentation industrielle: les solutions
About the wide gap between our genomics and present diet
mercredi 9 septembre 2015
More on palm oil: I mean more facts
"Excellent post with interesting data. I would like to emphasize one point. One of the unintended consequences of the war on palm oil is that the debate on sat fats and health is raging. In this debate the role of sat fats as a cause of CVD is becoming less and less prominent. And the still current advice to shift to PUFA oils less evident based. It is not presently a major issue for packaged food companies but it could become a second round on health issues when the green washing will be replaced by the globesity evidence."
"With half of all food products containing palm oil, food companies are some of the biggest users of the ingredient but there is increasing pressure on them to move to sustainably sourced variants. Ironically, the popularity of palm oil was driven, in part, by consumer pressure on the food industry to switch to trans-fat-free alternatives to partially hydrogenated vegetable oil. However consumer priorities are constantly changing, and ethical consumption is flavour of the year in many markets. The actual amount of palm oil contained in packaged food products varies, from 1% in bread, 2% in ready meals, 4% in chocolate confectionery and 14% in biscuits. Given the relatively small amount required for most packaged food products, none of the global top 10 packaged food companies will be particularly heavy users, yet the negative consumer reaction against palm oil can be damaging for a company’s brand image, as Kellogg’s has learnt all too well recently. Conversely, companies which have managed to set and reach sustainability targets are hailed as ‘responsible’ members of the food industry by consumer groups, a highly sought after label."
A picture which is meaningless without the carb content counterpart
Dysnutrition: une vision globale et évolutionniste de la nutrition humaine
A global and evolutionary approach of human diet
D'un point de vue évolutionniste l'alimentation des humains a connu depuis 100 ans des transformations inconnues pendant les millions d'années qui ont précédé notre ère. Ces transformations résultent de l'industrialisation et de l'utilisation de végétaux et d'animaux non sauvages profondément transformés pour en faire des produits alimentaires. Un grand nombre de ces produits ne sont adaptés ni à notre physiologie ni à notre génomique et produisent des pathologies chroniques même s'ils permettent un apport calorique stable voire excessif pour les pays industrialisés et émergents. Toute la problématique est là. Analyser comment ces transformations bouleversent nos régulations cérébrales et générales et entraînent l'obésité, le diabète, la majorité des cancers, l'athérome et les démences chez certains d'entre nous.
"Excellent post with interesting data. I would like to emphasize one point. One of the unintended consequences of the war on palm oil is that the debate on sat fats and health is raging. In this debate the role of sat fats as a cause of CVD is becoming less and less prominent. And the still current advice to shift to PUFA oils less evident based. It is not presently a major issue for packaged food companies but it could become a second round on health issues when the green washing will be replaced by the globesity evidence."