mardi 31 juillet 2012
You know HIIT?
That's High Intensity Interval Training.
C'est exactement ce que que font aujourd'hui beaucoup de sportifs. Cela demande un peu de coaching pour trouver des exercices différentes afin de varier et d'éviter la lassitude. Les études les plus récentes montrent qu'en 20 minutes vous pouvez obtenir des résultats importants en terme de capacité à produire de l'énergie au niveau des muscles.
Pour le sportif c'est une meilleure performance
Pour le diabétique type 2 ou le patient en sur-poids c'est développer des muscles ayant une capacité à produire de l'énergie et donc à consommer des calories capacités que l'on sait dramatiquement affaiblies dans ces cas....
C'est exactement ce que que font aujourd'hui beaucoup de sportifs. Cela demande un peu de coaching pour trouver des exercices différentes afin de varier et d'éviter la lassitude. Les études les plus récentes montrent qu'en 20 minutes vous pouvez obtenir des résultats importants en terme de capacité à produire de l'énergie au niveau des muscles.
Pour le sportif c'est une meilleure performance
Pour le diabétique type 2 ou le patient en sur-poids c'est développer des muscles ayant une capacité à produire de l'énergie et donc à consommer des calories capacités que l'on sait dramatiquement affaiblies dans ces cas....
lundi 30 juillet 2012
Autres questions à propos du régime paléo
- Question: Si on adaptait les recettes classiques de la cuisine francaise au Paleo, ca ferait quoi dans les grandes lignes? - diminution/elimination des desserts; - beurre >> huile d'olive avec cuisson basse temperature; - plus gros ratio de legumes vs. feculents; - vin: certains recommandent 2 verres par jour, ca fait beaucoup non?; - viandes blanches plutot que rouge, plus de poisson?
Dysnutrition Répond a ces questions
1/ Attention Féculents est un fourre tout dangereux, Féculents = graines + légumineuses + racines
Des trois seules les racines sont paléo! Les graines sont majoritairement avec gluten... Les légumineuses avec des antinutriments comme les lectines... Donc quelques patates douces quelques tranches d'igname mais uniquement pour ceux et celles qui ont une grosse activité physique. Pour les légumineuses outre les antinutriments elles contiennent des sucres peu digestes et surtout source de gaz et d'inconfort intestinal.
2/ Vin deux verres par jour TOUS les jours c'est beaucoup, ajoutez de l'eau du Kéfir de fruit, du thé vert au gingembre le mâtin de la bière non filtrée, du cidre si vous supportez de préférence brut non pasteurisé.
3/ Viandes sauvages ou à l'herbe y compris les deux pattes mais "non processed" id est crues cuites à basse température ou séchées sans nitrate! Les viandes blanches ne sont pas à privilégier si vous avez accès à de la viande rouge sauvage à l'herbe ou à de petits animaux oubliés: lapin, cailles, pigeons, lièvre, faisans...
Oui Fish and sea food as many as possible but wild!
4/ Beurre tant que vous voulez de préférence cru à la motte, oui de l'huile d'olive mais plutôt des guacamoles... Et toujours l'huile ajoutée à la fin de la cuisson...
5/ Desserts supprimés? Tout dépend les meilleurs fruits crus de la crème fraiche si vous aimez des infusions de menthe avec les pêches...
Vos questions que vous me posez sans cesse sur la paléo...
1/ Le maïs c'est paléo?
Non c'est une céréale donc ce n'est pas un aliment de l'ère paléolithique...2/ Le calcium je le trouve où si je ne mange plus de produits laitiers?
Bizarre que vous souciiez du calcium et pas du magnésium du sélénium... Vous n'avez pas l'impression d répéter une pub? Bon la salade ,le persil donc le jus de légumes, les algues contiennent un calcium très bien assimilable.
Mais surtout pensez os et non calcium. Donc pensez activité physique, soleil et vitamine D, protéines et oméga 3...
3/ Les fruits c'est sucré pourtant?
Les fruits c'est plus de 95% d'eau...
4/ Je ne peux manger de protéines le mâtin
Il faut essayer de jeûner jusqu'à avoir faim de protéines. Exemple un jour de non activité physique ne prendre que du thé vert et attendre d'avoir faim. Alors chercher une protéine qui vous fait envie et aller l'acheter. La manger le moins transformé possible. Un steak sel et poivre, une tranche de jambon cru, un tartare de thon, des oeufs coque, des miettes de crabe... Compléter après avoir ingéré au moins 150g par une salade et un fruit, ou bien des oléagineux noix noisettes amandes.5/ J'ai faim après mon repas paléo
Tout d'abord ce n'est pas mauvais signe de finir un repas non repus. Ensuite si c'est à la fin du repas augmentez les rations! Et sans complexe! Viande poisson et grandes salades à volonté. Si c'est 3h après il faut prendre un en cas d'oléagineux avec du thé vert. Noix noisettes amandes mais aussi pignons noix de macadamia, du Brésil...
6/ Si je mange gras je vais grossir?
On grossit quand on mange plus de calories que l'on en dépense. Mais il faut retenir que l'hormone qui stimule le plus le stockage de calories dans le tissu adipeux est l'insuline. Or l'insuline est sécrétée après l'ingestion des sucres qu'ils soient sucrés ou non (amidons). Donc diminuer l'ingestion de sucres freine la sécrétion d'insuline et dans un contexte d'abondance calorique et alimentaire diminue les signaux de stockage.
Donc manger des aliments entiers peu transformés, diminuer les laitages et supprimer les fromages très caloriques, diminuer les sucres et supprimer les amidons tout en mangeant des graisses animales et végétales fait maigrir jusqu'au poids de forme...
Donc manger des aliments entiers peu transformés, diminuer les laitages et supprimer les fromages très caloriques, diminuer les sucres et supprimer les amidons tout en mangeant des graisses animales et végétales fait maigrir jusqu'au poids de forme...
Vous essayez c'est gratuit.
samedi 28 juillet 2012
Anti-inflammatory diet
This list is far from the truth but can help. Rawfoodism is lacking despite the strong anti inflammatory power of non processed raw whole food.
Baldness and Vitamin D3
I urge you to verify your vitamin D level.
Even if you are not bald...
Even if you are not bald...
Vitamin-Boosted Stem Cells Show Promise in Curing Baldness
July 2012 — A team of researchers in Japan has discovered that VD3, a super-active form of Vitamin D, boosts stem cells to enhance and maintain their ability to induce hair growth. This new study, reported in STEM CELLS Translational Medicine, builds upon previous studies that have demonstrated how dermal papilla cells (DPCs) can stimulate epithelial stem cells to become hair.
"We had already discovered how VD3 increases the transforming growth factor TGF-ß2 and alkali-phosphatase activity — two essential features of hair-inducing DPCs. This time we focused on VD3's therapeutic potency and values for hair regeneration," said Kotaro Yoshimura, M.D. "The results suggest that it may be useful in expanding human DPCs with good quality, and help establish a DPC transplantation therapy for growing hair."
Yoshimura and Noriyuki Aoi, M.D., both of the University of Tokyo (UT) School of Medicine, led scientists from UT, Osaka University and the Japan Science and Technology Agency in the investigation. After running more tests on how VD3 affected another crucial element for hair growth called Wnt10b gene expression, they collected DPCs from volunteers who had undergone facelifts, incubated the DPCs with VD3 and then grafted them onto hairless skin samples taken from rats.
"We found that treating the dermal papilla cells with VD3 significantly enhanced the growth of new hair over that of the control group," Dr. Aoi said. "We also observed a better rate of maturation of the follicles. In other words, the hair grew thicker and lasted longer."
"This study may contribute to the development of a cell-based therapy for hair regeneration," said Anthony Atala, MD, Editor of STEM CELLS Translational Medicine and director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine. "The research team shows the potential impact of vitamin D to boost the capacity of certain cells in the skin to form hair."
The full article, "1a, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 modulates the hair-inductive capacity of dermal papilla cells: therapeutic potential for hair regeneration," can be accessed at
More on baldness and allopathic treatments
Objective: Finasteride, a commonly prescribed medication for male pattern hair loss, has recently been associated with persistent sexual side effects. In addition, depression has recently been added to the product labeling of Propecia (finasteride 1 mg). Finasteride reduces the levels of several neuroactive steroids linked to sexual function and depression. This study assesses depressive symptoms and suicidal thoughts in former users of finasteride who developed persistent sexual side effects despite the discontinuation of finasteride.
More on baldness and allopathic treatments
Depressive Symptoms and Suicidal Thoughts Among Former Users of Finasteride With Persistent Sexual Side Effects
Michael S. Irwig, MD
J Clin Psychiatry
Copyright 2012 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.
Objective: Finasteride, a commonly prescribed medication for male pattern hair loss, has recently been associated with persistent sexual side effects. In addition, depression has recently been added to the product labeling of Propecia (finasteride 1 mg). Finasteride reduces the levels of several neuroactive steroids linked to sexual function and depression. This study assesses depressive symptoms and suicidal thoughts in former users of finasteride who developed persistent sexual side effects despite the discontinuation of finasteride.
Method: In 2010–2011, former users of finasteride (n = 61) with persistent sexual side effects for ≥ 3 months were administered standardized interviews that gathered demographic information, medical and psychiatric histories, and information on medication use, sexual function, and alcohol consumption. All former users were otherwise healthy men with no baseline sexual dysfunction, chronic medical conditions, current or past psychiatric conditions, or use of oral prescription medications before or during finasteride use. A control group of men (n = 29), recruited from the community, had male pattern hair loss but had never used finasteride and denied any history of psychiatric conditions or use of psychiatric medications. The primary outcomes were the prevalence of depressive symptoms and the prevalence of suicidal thoughts as determined by the Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II); all subjects self-administered this questionnaire at the time of the interview or up to 10 months later.
Results: Rates of depressive symptoms (BDI-II score ≥ 14) were significantly higher in the former finasteride users (75%; 46/61) as compared to the controls (10%; 3/29) (P < .0001). Moderate or severe depressive symptoms (BDI-II score ≥ 20) were present in 64% (39/61) of the finasteride group and 0% of the controls. Suicidal thoughts were present in 44% (27/61) of the former finasteride users and in 3% (1/29) of the controls (P < .0001).
Conclusions: Clinicians and potential users of finasteride should be aware of the potential risk of depressive symptoms and suicidal thoughts. The preliminary findings of this study warrant further research with controlled studies.
J Clin Psychiatry
Copyright 2012 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.
Submitted: May 10, 2012; accepted June 25, 2012.
Online ahead of print: August 7, 2012 (doi:10.4088/JCP.12m07887).
Corresponding author: Michael S. Irwig, MD, Division of Endocrinology, Medical Faculty Associates and George Washington University, 2150 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Ste 3-416, Washington, DC 20037 (
Energy expenditure: an explaining key of obesity?
Two examples of our trend to sprend less calories in the daily life:
Cold-induced thermogenesis
Cold-induced thermogenesis is the production of heat in response to environmental temperatures
below thermoneutrality. Cold-induced thermogenesis can be divided into two types: shivering
thermogenesis and non-shivering thermogenesis. The thermoneutral zone (or the critical temperature)
is the environmental temperature at which oxygen consumption and metabolic rate are lowest (IoM,
2005). The relative contribution of cold-induced thermogenesis to TEE has decreased in recent
decades due to the increase in time spent in enclosed and heated environments.
Thermic effect of food (TEF)
Eating requires energy for the digestion, absorption, transport, interconversion, and deposition of
nutrients. These metabolic processes increase REE, and their energy expenditure is known as the
thermic effect of food (TEF). It should be noted that the muscular work required for eating is not part
of TEF.
But it seems too simple...
Some are challenging our preconception that we spend less calories than hunter gatherers...
Pontzer H, Raichlen DA, Wood BM, Mabulla AZP, Racette SB, Marlowe FW. Hunter-Gatherer Energetics and Human Obesity. PLoS ONE 2012;7(7):e40503.
Individual comparisons of TEE and FFM.
Energy expenditure for Hadza hunter-gatherers (red circles) was similar to that of Westerners (gray[19]–[26]). Bolivian women farmers (blue open circles [13], [31]) had higher TEE than either Hadza or Western women. Trendlines are ordinary least squares regressions through Western men (solid line) and Western women (dashed line).
Population comparisons of TEE.
Energy expenditure among Hadza hunter-gatherers (red circles) was similar to populations in market economies; subsistence farming populations (Nigeria, Gambia, Bolivia; blue circles) had higher TEE than other groups. All non-Hadza data from[16] (Text S1). Each symbol is a single-sex population mean; male and female means are plotted separately for mixed-sex studies. Ordinary least squares regression lines are shown for all men (filled circles, solid line) and all women (open circles, dashed line). When controlling for body mass, men had higher TEE than women (F(162) = 86.75, p<0.001).
vendredi 27 juillet 2012
Deux liens utiles et très précis pour le contenu nutritionnel des aliments
Rechercher Homard... Durian...
Homard c'est OK mais Durian cela n'existe pas...
Donc nous allons dans la base de données de l'USDA:
A vos claviers pour savoir ce qu'il y a dans vos aliments en moyenne.
Rechercher Homard... Durian...
Homard c'est OK mais Durian cela n'existe pas...
Donc nous allons dans la base de données de l'USDA:
A vos claviers pour savoir ce qu'il y a dans vos aliments en moyenne.
Bananas versus Gatorade: no advantage for industrial product
mercredi 25 juillet 2012
Les graisses trans: prohibition ou information?
Mon choix est d'abord un choix d'efficacité. Informer le consommateur de manière vraie et non dissimulée est indispensable. Et ce n'est tout simplement pas le cas.
Angell SY, et al "Change in trans fatty acid content of fast-food purchases associated with New York City's restaurant regulation" Ann Intern Med 2012; 157: 81-86.
Lichtenstein AH "New York City trans fat ban: Improving the default option when purchasing foods prepared outside of the home" Ann Intern Med 2012; 157: 144-145.
Angell SY, et al "Change in trans fatty acid content of fast-food purchases associated with New York City's restaurant regulation" Ann Intern Med 2012; 157: 81-86.
Lichtenstein AH "New York City trans fat ban: Improving the default option when purchasing foods prepared outside of the home" Ann Intern Med 2012; 157: 144-145.
Le sel un autre exemple de la malbouffe hospitalière
Les menus hospitaliers sont très riches en sel et d'ailleurs aussi en sucres rapides. Pas vraiment approprié. Pourtant il serait facile d'externaliser la production et d'imposer au prestataire de respecter des critères simples, disponibles et recommandés par ailleurs sur les sites gouvernementaux de santé publique.
Citoyens faites ce que je ne fais pas et silence dans les rangs...
En attendant les changements diminuons les durées de séjour et en particulier augmentons le rapport entre ambulatoire et hospitalisation traditionnelle...
Citoyens faites ce que je ne fais pas et silence dans les rangs...
En attendant les changements diminuons les durées de séjour et en particulier augmentons le rapport entre ambulatoire et hospitalisation traditionnelle...
- Arcand J, Steckham K, Tzianetas R, et al. Evaluation of sodium levels in hospital patient menus. Arch Intern Med 2012; DOI: 10.1001/archinternmed.2012.2368. Available at: 1262843
- Bibbins-Domingo K. A call to our hospitals: Please hold the salt! Arch Intern Med 2012; DOI: 10.1001/archinternmed.2012.3466. Available at: Abstract
Can we predict premature deaths in humans?
It seems that a new model of prediction is more effficient than the older ones. And it's very simple it's body shape...
ABSI is a body shape index
WC is waist circumference in meters
BMI is body mass index in kg
Height in meters.
"High ABSI may correspond to a greater fraction of visceral (abdominal) fat compared to peripheral tissue.
The World Health Organization ranks overweight and obesity as the fifth leading cause of death, behind high blood pressure, tobacco use, high blood glucose, and physical inactivity, and according to the organization, the prevalence of overweight and obesity is more than 50% of adult populations in high- and middle-income countries. The researchers cite National Institute of Health guidelines that put overweight and obesity as the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States, behind tobacco use."
Autors conclude:
"Body shape, as measured by ABSI, appears to be a substantial risk factor for premature mortality in the general population derivable from basic clinical measurements. ABSI expresses the excess risk from high WC in a convenient form that is complementary to BMI and to other known risk factors."
For sure it is less expensive and more efficient to measure these parameters than biological data about cholesterol and its subfractions.
ABSI is a body shape index
WC is waist circumference in meters
BMI is body mass index in kg
Height in meters.
"High ABSI may correspond to a greater fraction of visceral (abdominal) fat compared to peripheral tissue.
The World Health Organization ranks overweight and obesity as the fifth leading cause of death, behind high blood pressure, tobacco use, high blood glucose, and physical inactivity, and according to the organization, the prevalence of overweight and obesity is more than 50% of adult populations in high- and middle-income countries. The researchers cite National Institute of Health guidelines that put overweight and obesity as the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States, behind tobacco use."
Autors conclude:
"Body shape, as measured by ABSI, appears to be a substantial risk factor for premature mortality in the general population derivable from basic clinical measurements. ABSI expresses the excess risk from high WC in a convenient form that is complementary to BMI and to other known risk factors."
For sure it is less expensive and more efficient to measure these parameters than biological data about cholesterol and its subfractions.
vendredi 20 juillet 2012
Unhealthy foods or unhealthy diets?
The debate is hot. Politicians raised taxes for fat foods on behalf that it will incentive people to consume healthy foods...
It's a myth. Fat is not the culprit.
The only pigouvian tax should be on the result and the risk of too much eating, it's a tax on heathcare insurance based on your weight.
Other taxes are only an excuse to raise money and put it in the abyss of public deficit.
"Money grubbing "Fat" and similar taxes are only excuses to raise money. EFSA has already said there are no good or bad foods; only good and bad diets. money raising is the only reason some people want nutrient profiles added to the Claims Regulation."
It's a myth. Fat is not the culprit.
The only pigouvian tax should be on the result and the risk of too much eating, it's a tax on heathcare insurance based on your weight.
Other taxes are only an excuse to raise money and put it in the abyss of public deficit.
"Money grubbing "Fat" and similar taxes are only excuses to raise money. EFSA has already said there are no good or bad foods; only good and bad diets. money raising is the only reason some people want nutrient profiles added to the Claims Regulation."
mercredi 18 juillet 2012
lundi 16 juillet 2012
Perdre de la graisse et maintenir la dépense énergétique de base
Tel est le but de tout régime en particulier dans le cadre du surpoids, du syndrome métabolique et du diabète type 2.
Le régime pauvre en sucres (hydrates de carbone) est le mieux à même de maintenir la dépense énergétique totale ou de repos ce qui contribue à maintenir le poids voire à le faire diminuer lentement mais surement.
Le régime pauvre en sucres (hydrates de carbone) est le mieux à même de maintenir la dépense énergétique totale ou de repos ce qui contribue à maintenir le poids voire à le faire diminuer lentement mais surement.
samedi 7 juillet 2012
Lentils and lectins
"Lucretius said, “One man’s food is another man’s poison” and lectins
give us part of the reason why. It is our individual genetic
inheritances that determine how and to what degree lectins can affect
us. Almost everybody has antibodies to some dietary lectins in their
bloodstream. Many food allergies are actually immune system reactions to
Pusztai A. Dietary lectins are metabolic signals for the gut and modulate immune and hormonal functions. Eur J Clin Nutr. 1993 Oct; 47(10):691-699 ( Pusztai A Rowett Research Institute, Bucksburn, Aberdeen, UK.)
Ces données sont issues de l'excellent article de Lauren Cordain:
British Journal of Nutrition (2000), 83, 207–217
Pusztai A. Dietary lectins are metabolic signals for the gut and modulate immune and hormonal functions. Eur J Clin Nutr. 1993 Oct; 47(10):691-699 ( Pusztai A Rowett Research Institute, Bucksburn, Aberdeen, UK.)
Ces données sont issues de l'excellent article de Lauren Cordain:
British Journal of Nutrition (2000), 83, 207–217
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