mercredi 28 octobre 2015

Balsamic vinegar: trendy but full of sugars

Balsamic vinegar is a shot of fast sugars
17g/100g of sugars
A table spoon is 14,5g of sugar.
A cube is 2,3 g of sugar so 100 g of balsamic vinegar is 7,5 sugar cubes and 100ml id est 1 liter is 75  sugar cubes....

Instead Cider vinegar is only 0,93g sugars /100g, less than half a sugar cube in 100 ml and 4 sugar cubes for a liter...

For red wine vinegar the content of carbs is still less 0,27g/100 ml and 2,7 g/liter. A liitle bit more than a sugar cube...

For your information a regular Cola is 9,94 g of sugar/100ml or 99,4 g of sugar a liter.

But, as a matter of facts there are more sugared Balsamic vinegar: 34 g/ 100g quite a marmelade...

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